♥️ Father’s Day love and blessings…

By Lian Brook-Tyler

To these three men… so different, and yet each of them have provided me with so much.

Chris Brook, I really couldn’t have wished for a more wonderful father for my children. Whatever path life takes them on, you’ve provided them with the strongest foundation of love, security and inspiration for them to build upon. The way you’ve continually honoured my wild, seemingly strange, Feminine instincts and intuition, particularly when it comes to parenting, and particularly when it’s gone against everything you thought, has taught me so much about how men and women can create a more beautiful world - together. Thank you for being the wise, powerful and loving King you are.

Rob Tyler, you’re in my heart and mind every day. Last night we went for a Southern Indian meal and we talked about how much I wish I could have taken you there - you’d have loved the masala dosas. My heart hurts that you’re not here with your grandbabies… singing and playing guitar to them, introducing them to wild flowers in a way that their spirit enters their souls, teaching them about how to play devil’s advocate until they’re howling with frustration (which they wouldn’t thank you for until they’re grown and realise it’s one of the most useful and liberating skills to have), and whisking them off to the pub for for illicit lemonades. Tears fall as I write this, it’s the hardest part of all. But I also know you are still with us - I felt it on the day you died and I feel it now more than ever. And I know that all of the love you poured into me, lives on. Mish mash koo koo, Papa.

Chris Tyler-Humm, Sandy chose well when she chose you, not just a husband but a man who became so much part of our weird-shaped family, it’s like you were meant to be there all along. Which of course, you were. I thank my lucky stars that we have you in our lives and that Felix and Aurelia get you as their Grandad, they couldn’t have done better! Knowing you’ll be with him, creating sweet memories that will last him a lifetime, makes it bearable that my precious boy is leaving me for your epic road trip! And that tells you everything you need to know about how much I love and appreciate you.

And to all of the men out there, loving, guiding, protecting and supporting us...

ALL my love and appreciation to you


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