The Wounded Healer
Are your greatest soul gifts hidden in your deepest wounds?
How to know if your inner wounds are calling you to uncover your soul’s unique gifts
(Even and especially if you dismiss the notion of wounds OR feel you’ve already healed)
If you’re a coach, therapist, or practitioner of transformative, healing or spiritual work and…
🩸Despite thinking you’ve already escaped the rat race and are doing your soul work (certainly compared to friends and family, or your past self), you’re still feeling constrained by someone else’s ideas of how to do what you do… maybe your industry’s, coach’s, teacher’s, parents’, or culture’s.
🩸Even though you’re already a long way down to the path of healing your own trauma, you keep your wounds separate from the work you do with others.
🩸Whilst you make a positive difference with your clients, you know something’s holding you back from making an even deeper impact or having a greater reach - and by now you know the answer doesn’t lie in just getting better at marketing and sales.
🩸Although you fell in love with the field you’re in when you first came to it, now some years (or decades) in, you often feel bored, resentful or like you’re just going through the motions.
🩸You know you’re different in some way, maybe you’re neurodivergent, extraordinarily sensitive, have a disability, or experience supposedly impossible things such as premonitions or seeing or hearing things that you aren’t meant to… But you do what you can to hide or overcome your difference rather than honour this aspect of your uniqueness in your work.
These are signs that suggest the Wounded Healer archetype is calling to be made conscious in your life and work…
BUT you don’t need to identify as or call yourself a healer for this to be a vital archetype for you to embody, continue on to discover why…
A clip from a podcast episode all about The Wounded Healer on why is it even important to know about the wounded healer, and what it means for those in the work of bringing people towards wholeness whether you call yourself a healer or use a different term.
The Wounded Healer on the Podcast
Are you a wounded healer? Here's how you'll know... and how to heal
In this episode of All The Everything, Lian into the topic ‘Who is the Wounded Healer?’, answering questions and sharing the experiences of group members. She covered who is the Wounded Healer, how to illuminate your core wound, the importance of your wound in your work and how to alchemise your wound into medicine.
The Wounded Healer on the blog
Are you a wounded healer? ♐️
This is not something I ever intended to write - the wounded healer is the archetype I’ve spent a lifetime attempting to deny, even just accepting the role of healer has been an excruciating journey, requiring me to let go of everything I had clung to for security and to open to everything I had pushed away for sanity’s sake.
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“I don’t know about your presentation, I was just looking at your chest.”
“I don’t know about your presentation, I was just looking at your chest.”
This is what my boss said to me back in my corporate days when I asked him what he thought of the run through of the complex presentation about our digital strategy that I was intending to take to the board.
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How to know if your inner wounds are calling you to uncover your soul’s unique gifts 🩸
(Even and especially if you dismiss the notion of wounds OR feel you’ve already healed)
If you’re a coach, therapist, or practitioner of transformative, healing or spiritual work and…
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Why does it matter to know if you’re a wounded healer? (Even if you’re not a “healer”) ❤️🩹
Jonathan and I have taught for many years that the greatest gifts are found in our deepest wounds… it’s the underlying principle that our work in our year-long Medicine crucible of guiding people to uncover their soul’s purpose and become their unique medicine is based upon.
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Why we still need healing
Healing isn’t fashionable, it’s not impressive, it’s certainly not cool. It’s no wonder we dress it up in other terms or more often, attempt to escape the need for it altogether, via…
Transformative coaching
Shadow work
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Uncover your gifts…
In this short clip hear how Medicine alumni Kate Barsby, Soul Guide, was able during Medicine to uncover her soul's unique gifts and the wound that Kate described as a thorn in her side, that she’d kept hidden and tried to manage in order to fit in, was finally welcomed and alchemised to medicine that she’s now serving to other women.
Ready to go deeper?
Are you ready to uncover your own unique gifts by illuminating your core wound, understanding the importance of your wound in your work, and alchemising your wound into medicine?
Click HERE to find out about the next crucible of Medicine.
This isn’t for everyone but if you're feeling a connection to the Wounded Healer Archetype and are ready to discover your soul’s purpose, uncover your unique gifts, and become your medicine, you can now book a Medicine Illumination Call with Jonathan or Lian to explore if joining Medicine ‘24 is the next soul aligned step for you.

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”