Discover Your Soul’s Purpose
Uncover Your Unique Gifts
Become Your Medicine
This is for you if…
Despite the many successes you’ve had, you still feel you’re failing compared to what you know you’re capable of, and feel some shame about that. Even though you’ve broken free from the system and are doing what you love with a level of financial independence and freedom that was something you once dreamed of, you’re still struggling to create the life of sustainable impact and abundance that you know is aligned for you.
You feel misunderstood and gagged in your expression, like you’re the only weirdo in the village - too deep, sensitive, strange, and otherworldly. You feel called to step onto your soul path and speak your truth… But you fear what people will think, worry about losing your loved ones (who might not truly get you but at least are there for you), and ending up alone, and yet you know you can’t keep denying the call of your soul.
You’re becoming clear on your unique gifts and what your soul came here to do but are filled with overwhelm and uncertainty as to how to take the leap to put yourself out there and make it a reality, let alone make a living from it.
You feel trapped in the supposedly ‘great career’ that you feel you should be grateful to have, however you’ve known for a long time that it’s not what you truly came here for but you feel tied to the income and commitments, and unsure of the steps to take to liberate yourself to become who your soul came here to be.
You’re saddened and disillusioned with the change-work profession that you once fell in love with - it feels like it’s become less about how good you are and has instead become about having the right image, becoming a clone, saying the latest buzzwords, and scaling the pyramid, all of which feel gross and inauthentic to you - but you’re uncertain how to be visible and impactful in a way that’s true for you.
In short…
This is for the ones who are ready to discover their soul’s purpose, use their unique gifts in deep service…to become their medicine.
Do you feel that punch in the gut, a tug on your shirt cuff, a tingling upon your skin, or maybe a deep bone-felt knowing that tells you that we’re speaking about and to you? If so, the time is now, read on…

Every old soul comes into this world with their own purpose and unique gifts…
Their medicine
The work for each of us is to uncover that medicine
and become it in deep service.
And yet… it’s never been more challenging to become our medicine than now *and* there has never been more need for our medicine than now.
This is the greatest challenge of our lives for the old souls in this new world.
We all know and have touched, to some extent, this place inside ourselves… Your very soul that came here with ancient wisdom, healing power and pure love. It speaks in whispers that you are different to others, that you aren’t meant to - or can’t - fit in and conform, it speaks in your longing to do work that is deeply soul-aligned, and it speaks in the ache of something missing, of not living the life you came here for.
There is such a deep knowing within… It’s simply been hidden from our ordinary conscious awareness through the conditioning, wounding and domestication we’ve received.
Gone are the elders and the tribe, and severed for the most part is our connection to the land and to Spirit… all of which would have shaped, guided, initiated, taught and loved us through the gauntlets of becoming our medicine.
And yet, despite these unprecedented times, there comes a point when we can no longer ignore or deny the call to become who we came here to be.
This is why Medicine exists…
to meet those who are ready to heed that call of their soul
We, Lian and Jonathan, co-founders and teachers at Be Mythical, have journeyed deeply into and through these very gauntlets for most of our lives (if not lifetimes!), and in doing so, have discovered that our own medicine, together in union, is a unique and greatly needed solution to this modern day puzzle.
We are here to serve those old souls who are ready, despite the incredible challenges of these times, to heed that most ancient and sacred of calls to discover their purpose, uncover their unique gifts, and become their medicine.
Over the past decade, we have guided many souls on this very path… and now maybe it’s time for you.

11 souls
7 months
1 journey of a lifetime
You’ll be joining an intimate circle of around 11 medicinal men and women – each of you heeding the call to become the potent medicine for the world that your soul came here to be.
We will be harnessing ancient ways alchemised for modern days… including the power of archetypes, shamanic journeys, real magic, the astrological wisdom of the stars, and deep embodied ceremonies and rituals to aid you in the reclamation and actualisation of the gifts of your medicine.
This seven-month journey will unfold through practices in your own home (and in the wild, of course!), through joining together online in circle and in dyads & triads with your fellow medicinal kin, and taking soul-aligned action in the world.
The curriculum:
Each month, we will journey into healing and actualisation through one of these alchemical themes:
✨ Story
✨ Illumination
✨ Money
✨ Alchemy
✨ Medicinal offering
✨ Expression
✨ Being your medicine
✨ Ceremony & ritual
The monthly cycle:
Each month, we journey with one of the alchemical themes above through three circles and a dyad or triad:
✨ Week 1 – Medicine Teaching Circle:
Each Teaching Circle opens a new alchemical crucible, in which Lian and Jonathan each go deep, teaching ancient principles, invoking shamanic journeys and embodied experiences, and sharing their own personal stories of becoming their medicine.
✨ Week 2 – Medicine Sharing Circle:
Be seen and receive reflections from Lian and Jonathan, and witness and be witnessed by your fellow Medicinal Ones on your journey together of becoming and expressing your Medicine.
✨ Week 3 – Medicine Guidance Circle:
Lian and Jonathan will both provide deep seeing and transformative guidance focused on where you and your fellow Medicinal Ones are on your unique journeys.
✨ Week 4 – Medicine Dyads & Triads:
Giving and receiving deep support from, and witnessing by, one or two of your fellow Medicinal Ones - this is an incredibly potent setting to express and serve your Medicine to others.
✨ Circle details:
The Circles will be 11am (UK time) on Thursdays and will last around two hours. They are online – via the magic of Zoom.
We take a four-week break from circles during August, as well as other shorter breaks throughout the year - this is not down time, during these periods you’ll be invited into initiatory rituals and ceremonies that are vital to the overall journey.
✨ Between circles
There will be a private online group to share what arises between circles, this will become a beautifully safe and powerful space in which to share your heart’s truth between circles, be witnessed and celebrated by your fellow Medicinal Ones, and receive guidance and support from Lian and Be Mythical guide and seer, Sara.
Medicine alumni have expressed how blown away they were by what happens in the group and how it catalysed their healing and growth during the crucible.
Testimonials from those who have journeyed with us…

The medicine you’ll alchemise…
You will uncover the uniqueness your soul – the gift to the world you came here to be.
You will create the potent ways to serve your medicine via your own unique embodiment.
You will be liberated to become the fullest expression of your soul, giving your deepest gifts in service to the world.
You will become available for soul-aligned abundance to flow into your life.
Your commitment
Medicine is the deepest and most powerfully life-changing work it’s possible to enter with us and we have created it in a way that makes it accessible as we can for those aligned to join us.
Entering this seven-month long crucible requires a commitment to journey into the depths of your soul and an investment of:
7 payments of
1 payment of
Special payment options
Alternative payment options are available upon request.
Those in financial need: Becoming your medicine, especially in these times, is so vital both for old souls and the communities they serve, and so we don’t want money to get in the way of anyone joining Medicine who feels deeply called to do so, therefore if you’re in financial need, please email us telling us a bit about your circumstances, including what would be affordable for you, and we’ll see what we can do to make it possible.
Be Mythical alumni: If you’ve joined us for any of our past crucibles and feel the deep calling to Medicine, we would be delighted for you to join us and would love to offer you a special alumni discount of 10%. Please book your Medicine Illumination Call so we can explore the alignment.
All five levels of commitment – emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically and financially – are required for this level of expansion into your soul, this means that the investments you make are non-refundable.
Heeding the call
Medicine only opens once a year and places are limited to 11 people.
The next opportunity to join us is in March 2024.
Enrollment is now OPEN!
The next step is to book a free Medicine Illumination Call with Lian or Jonathan. The purpose of the call is to illuminate whether joining us for Medicine 2024 is soul-aligned for you.
The circles are held at 11am UK time on Thursdays.
We’ve chosen this time to make Medicine as accessible as possible for people all around the world, though we do appreciate it will mean getting up early or staying up late for some.
In past Medicines, we’ve had people join us from all over the world… including America and Australia.
If there’s a powerfully soul-aligned will, there’s a way! -
Absolutely! In fact, we’ll often encourage you to watch replays to witness your share, as that can be powerfully illuminating.
It’s an important part of the commitment to Medicine that you join the live circles, but in exceptional circumstances where you need to miss one, you’ll be able to watch the replay. -
That's a great question! And no, there's no conflict at all... quite the contrary, descending to soul is a perfect next step after ascending to spirit. Our About page explains why.
We completely understand! In fact, some of the most magical people often have the most uncertainty and resistance to recognising this in themselves.
Take a look at the webinars, podcasts and other resources below and notice if you feel a resonance.And if you book a Medicine Illumination Call, Lian or Jonathan will share their seeing of you and your gifts.
If you have any other questions please drop us an email.
Not ready to book your Medicine Illumination call yet?
We hear you, it can take time and real courage to listen to the call of our soul.
For now, why not immerse yourself in the resources below - they share more about the work of Medicine and who it is for.
See what feels true for you… You can trust your ‘truth bumps’, chills and tears.
Which magical archetype could be right for your soul?
Many magical people don’t actually know they’re magical, let alone which archetype their soul chose to express their Medicine through.
Maybe you already know which Magical Archetype you are, maybe you're just beginning to hear the archetype's call or maybe you're wondering if you're a magical one at all... if so, here's something illuminating for you to dive into...
Could you be the Shaman archetype...?
This is the oldest Magical Archetype - all of the other Magical Archetypes carry aspects of the Shaman, and it means the folk who have a strong calling to the Shaman, also tend to have access to many of the other Magical Archetypes too.
Could you be the Seer archetype...?
Growing up, their experience was that they saw more than they wanted to see - their ability to see into the hearts and minds of others, and into the past and future was confusing and sometimes terrifying.
Could you be an Elven Sage...?
They often grew up doubting their own opinions and expressions and so have became people pleasers. They're so empathic and caring, they feel that they're a sponge for everyone else's moods and feelings. They have a down-to-earth quality that can have them feel overlooked.
Could you be a WITCH...?
Growing up, their experience was that they often felt lonely and misunderstood. They sometimes felt that others didn't trust them - to the extent there may have been painful situations in which they told the truth but weren’t believed. They had a strong pull to animals and plants (the Witch children are often the ones who made perfumes of petals and water!) and for doing things in secret, sometimes knowing it was magic.
Could you be a PRIESTESS...?
They often grew up feeling “too much”, are typically highly sensitive, very intelligent, have a love/hate (or love/fear) relationship to the spiritual/magical, and have a strong pull towards beauty, nature, ancient structures and art.
7 ways to uncover your greatest gifts and your deepest soul purpose
Are you ready to discover more about your deepest gifts and soul purpose - and actually live it?
Understanding your neurodivergence as a gift: from Suffering to Super Power
In the 1st of our 7-part series on ‘Ways to uncover your greatest gifts and your deepest soul purpose’, Li dives into how your neurodivergence can reveal the secrets of your soul path.
Understanding your true soul essence as a gift: from Shadow to Gold
In the 2nd of our 7-part series on ‘Ways to uncover your greatest gifts and your deepest soul purpose’, Li dives into how your true essence can reveal the secrets of your soul path.
How your ‘personality type’ can illuminate something much deeper
In the 3rd of our 7-part series on ‘Ways to uncover your greatest gifts and your deepest soul purpose’, Li dives into how understanding your personality type can illuminate your soul path.
How your greatest gift is held in your deepest wound: From Pain to Purpose
In the 4th of our 7-part series on ‘Ways to uncover your greatest gifts and your deepest soul purpose’, Li dives into how how your greatest gift is held in your deepest wound - from pain to purpose.
Watch the Medicine webinar replays…
Listen or watch the podcasts…
How embodying archetypes helps you to do your soul work
In this episode, Lian dived deep into the topic How embodying archetypes helps you to do your soul work. Sara from the Be Mythical team said ahead of the show - to expect from Lian deep wisdom, celebration and tears of love and gratitude. AND we certainly did get all that.
How to go from being a coach to truly living your unique, soul-aligned life
In this conversation, Lian and Vanessa explored what it means to become your unique medicine, our experiences with the coaching industry, the journey from coach to doing your deepest soul work, why it’s hard, what it costs, what it brings, i.e. why it’s worth EVERYTHING!
How to stop being just another coach and become your unique Medicine
In this episode, Lian dived deep into the topic: How to stop being just another coach and become your unique Medicine. She explored the deeper, more powerful archetypes that lie behind the coach, what she meant by medicine and why our sacred wound is vital to understand it, our soul essence, the role of Human design and Gene Keys, and the difference it makes not just to your business but to your whole life.
Owning your difference as a superpower for your highest good
In this episode, Lian dived deep into the topic: Owning your difference as a superpower for your highest good, she suggested to be truthful with yourself about your differences – ask trusted advisors if you’re not sure, identify and honour your needs in a sovereign way, and identify your superpowers and create your life in a way that allows you to use them in service of your vision.
Why you being your Medicine is a gift to the world
In this episode, Lian and Jonathan dived deep into the topic Why you being your Medicine is a gift to the world. They talked about the increasing trend in the personal growth field around teaching polarity, which can be a wonderful thing – and it can reveal deep wounds that we don’t benefit from ignoring and blindly doubly down on polarity techniques. Lian loved Steve’s example of when we embark on a new physical exercise which reveals an underlying injury or imbalance that requires addressing.
Or if you prefer to read…
How I went from corporate leader to purpose guide, shamanic healer & spiritual mentor
This post is one I needed 12 years ago, but then maybe if I had I would have dismissed it, and maybe just upon seeing the title…
• Dismissed it as woo woo nonsense… “shamanic”, “spiritual”, please. Why not throw “astrologist” in for good measure?
Why ‘living your purpose’ is the deepest spiritual work
(And how you can find yours.)
Purpose is so important to humans, in fact so deeply human, that it’s something that’s been spoken about in many ways, across many traditions and cultures, and likely for most of human history.
Whether you call it…
Your purpose
I was just pondering some of the reasons that people have joined Waking The Wild Medicine in the past couple of years…
✨To discover their purpose
✨To connect deeply with a circle of like-minded people
✨To peel back the layers over their authentic selves
How you’ll KNOW the archetype that’s for you
When people discover the archetypes that are meant for them, especially the ones that are rare in this modern world, the difference it makes is beyond anything rational… that’s because the archetypes are beyond the rational.
As Carl Jung said “The reason why mythic statements invariably lead to word-magic is that the archetype possesses a numinous autonomy and has a psychic life of its own.”
What’s in the box..?
As mythical, mystical and magical as Waking The Wild Medicine is, it’s actually the simplest of our crucibles to describe the results… that’s because although it’s very deep, it’s also immensely practical.
So this is what you get in the Medicine box (and in the most down to earth language I have!):
Medicine guides you to:
✨ Know your unique self
Heal your wounds, Share your scars.🖤
As you might know, I speak a lot about how our greatest gifts are held in our deepest wounds, especially for those of us who are changeworkers, healers and coaches devoted to doing our deepest soul work.
In fact, one of our deepest, most magical crucibles, Waking The Wild Medicine, is focused on exactly this ancient truth.
The 5 Fallacies about doing your Soul Work
1. That it’ll come easily.
Yes, a vital part of doing your soul work is about doing what you’re innately great at, but ‘innately’ doesn’t mean that there won’t be a tonne of conditioning and wounding in the way or that it won’t require years of guidance and practice to fully actualise it.
9 Lessons from 9 Years in Business
(I could have waited until it’s 10 years to write this but it felt right to do it now - see #8)
1. Creating a successful business takes time. I remember being about 2 years into running my own business and sharing the challenges with a close friend, she recalled that her father said it typically takes 3 years for a business to become successful, that was so helpful to hear back then. And…
11 signs that you’re a Magical One
You’ve never really felt like you fit in though you’ve tried your damnedest to do so (hello, Raven trying to be a pigeon).
You’ve struggled with hallucinations, migraines, visions or dissociative episodes (or maybe you’re like me and you can replace that ‘or’ with an ‘and’.)
Feeling ready to take the next step to book your Medicine Illumination call?

“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”
Frederick Buechner