Many magical people don’t actually know they’re magical, let alone which archetype their soul chose to express their Medicine through.
Maybe you already know which Magical Archetype you are, maybe you're just beginning to hear the archetype's call or maybe you're wondering if you're a magical one at all... if so, here's something illuminating for you to dive into...
Could you be the Sage..?
They often grew up doubting their own opinions and expressions and so have became people pleasers. They're so empathic and caring, they feel that they're a sponge for everyone else's moods and feelings. They have a down-to-earth quality that can have them feel overlooked.
When they’re being their Medicine… they're incredibly authentic, wise, empathic, intuitive, and kind guides and advisors... many of them have an elven-like quality - they actually look like elves or pixies and have that sprightly, youthful energy... and of course, they're magical! ✨
Want to discover more? Now watch Lian's short video sharing the Sage's secrets...
Could you be the Shaman..?
This is the oldest Magical Archetype - all of the other Magical Archetypes carry aspects of the Shaman, and it means the folk who have a strong calling to the Shaman, also tend to have access to many of the other Magical Archetypes too.
They're the ones with the greatest magical range and power, and yet they're often the ones with the greatest fear and resistance to magic - which is really a fear of their own magic.
They will have had scary spiritual experiences as a child meant they spent much of their adults lives trying to close and disassociate. They were often bullied as a child and sometimes an adult too because they're often the weirdest of the magical folk - they find it hardest to blend in and seem normal.
Because they have access to most or all of the other magical archetypes, they can feel chameleon-like and struggle to understand who they are. That can show up as self-doubt and obsessively seeking the answers to the great mysteries of themselves and the universe - meanwhile, everyone wonders why they just don't go out and be their Medicine yesterday!
When they’re being their Medicine… they’re exceptionally open-minded, a dream worker and a storyteller, they have one foot in the earthly realm and one foot in the spiritual realm and they serve the wellbeing of their community... and of course, they're magical! ✨
Want to discover more? Now watch Lian's short video sharing the Shaman's secrets...
Could you be the Witch..?
Growing up, their experience was that they often felt lonely and misunderstood. They sometimes felt that others didn't trust them - to the extent there may have been painful situations in which they told the truth but weren’t believed. They had a strong pull to animals and plants (the Witch children are often the ones who made perfumes of petals and water!) and for doing things in secret, sometimes knowing it was magic.
The Witch Wound will make being in their power a challenge - they will be gripped with fears of being hurt or even killed for being their truth.
A key tell of Witches in hiding is that they live a life of drama and creating much that they *don’t* want.
They often experience health challenges - a result of their enormous power not having an outlet so turning inwards insteads.
Money can be a big theme in Witches’ lives - dramatic financial highs and lows and with much focus placed there.
When they’re being their Medicine… they’re powerful manifestors, wise, in tune with nature, an advocate of women and the Feminine, strong, independent... and of course, they're magical! ✨
Want to discover more? Now watch Lian's short video sharing the Witch's secrets...
Could you be the Priestess..?
They often grew up feeling “too much”, are typically highly sensitive, very intelligent, have a love/hate (or love/fear) relationship to the spiritual/magical, and have a strong pull towards beauty, nature, ancient structures and art.
When they’re being their Medicine… they are devoted to the Divine or a specific deity, they’re a powerful leader, in service to the spiritual opening of others... and of course, magical! ✨
Want to discover more? Now watch Lian's short video sharing the Priestess's secrets...
Could you be the Seer or the Oracle..?
Growing up, their experience was that they saw more than they wanted to see - their ability to see into the hearts and minds of others, and into the past and future was confusing and sometimes terrifying.
Meanwhile they often felt unseen - overlooked in favour of a sibling, a parent’s career or another priority.
As adults still in hiding or unconscious of their gifts, they’re often scared by their premonitions and knowing, unsure whether they’re somehow responsible for what happens or should tell people what they see.
Or worse, that they’ve made a mistake in their interpretation of their seeing and they’ll be blamed and punished in some way. This fear harks back to the dark ages when Seers and Oracles could be killed for making unpopular or incorrect prophesies, but as with the Witch Wound, the fear is carried down the line and is felt viscerally by modern day Seers and Oracles too.
With the Seers and Oracles I often wonder… “What *aren’t* they saying?”
They have similarities to the Sage, they’re usually sensitive, empathic and feel a LOT.
They can become human pretzels, contorting themselves to please others, not realising they’re already so loveable.
A key tell of Seers and Oracles is that they have an old soul quality and that their eyes always seem to be looking beneath the surface.
They tend to have a quiet calm energy with hidden depths that calls bodies of water like a lake or an ocean to mind.
When they’re being their Medicine… they’re an open channel for the Divine to speak through, wise, an old soul.
The Oracles tend more towards seeing the universal or cultural, whereas Seers tend more towards seeing the personal, in the people around them but of course: what’s most universal is most personal too, and vice versa.
Either way, they see into the truth of the past, present and future; they’re adept in one of the "clairs" such as a clairvoyant, they’re a diviner, a speaker of mystery and truth, a messenger, the guides we all need in these times… and of course, they're magical!
Want to discover more? Now watch Lian's short video sharing the Seer's secrets...
If you resonated with any of these, even if you're not yet sure which magical archetype you are, we have two recordings for you to check out 'How embodying archetypes helps you to do your soul work' where Lian shares what archetypes are, the role archetypes play in your life and why they are important, even vital. And 'Why you being your Medicine is a gift to the world' where Lian and Jonathan further illuminate the traits and hallmarks of the Magical Archetypes, how to know if you're one and why it matters! Click the videos and links below.
To listen to the audio recording, and access the show notes and other resources click HERE.
To listen to the audio recording, and access the show notes and other resources click HERE.
Click the link to find out about the next crucible of Medicine. This isn’t for everyone but if you're feeling the call to embody the Magical Archetype that's meant for you, discover your soul’s purpose, uncover your unique gifts, and become your medicine, you can now book a Medicine Illumination Call with Jonathan or Lian to explore if joining Medicine ‘24 (starting in January) is the next soul aligned step for you.
Or if you have any questions, drop us an email.
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