Maybe whatever is showing up *is* the thing

by Lian Brook-Tyler

Maybe whatever is showing up *is* the thing

Over and over, clients come to a session saying... "I have these three things I want to look at but they're completely unrelated. And maybe I'm using Thing 1 to avoid looking at Thing 2. And maybe Thing 3 isn't really important."

And then as the conversation unfolds, it often turns out those things are entirely related, and sometimes incredibly, magically so.

Trust yourself.

What's showing up for you *is* important.

If you hold it that way, with care and reverence - like a bird in your palm - its significance, meaning the breadcrumbs it offers on the path of your soul, will be shown.

And maybe the things that seem most unrelated, unwanted, minor, and irrelevant can provide the most meaningful signposts of all - if only we can hold them gently and long enough so that they can reveal themselves.

P.S. I wrote this years ago and it just popped up, and I realised it’s been applying to events in my own life this week, more than ever… it’s all perfectly, geniusly connected.

Image: Bird In The Hand Painting by Marjorie Atwood


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