Words weaved with magic & mystery to guide you in living your own myth
How to magically spell your words
A vital aspect of the work that we do at Be Mythical - both in our own inner work and the work we do with others - is about making conscious the words used to create ourselves and our world.
As Terence McKenna once said…
“The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish.”
Over the years, I’ve seen there are five stages that we go through on the journey of fully discovering this secret of magic, usually these stages flow in the order below, though sometimes 2 and 3 are switched depending on the path one has taken, and also many of us have echoes of previous stages still showing up in certain areas of our lives, even though we’ve largely moved beyond them.
True strength 🗡️
True strength 🗡️
“The strength of a person's spirit* would then be measured by how much 'truth' he could tolerate, or more precisely, to what extent he needs to have it diluted, disguised, sweetened, muted, falsified.” Friedrich Nietzsche
This much-loved quote came to mind as I recorded a podcast episode - quite unexpectedly as the topic was AI and human consciousness.
And by ‘strength of a person’s spirit’, I see this as how ‘whole’ a person is - ie how far along the path of the soul one is.
What did your parents DO, not say?
What did your parents DO, not say?
One of the many challenges we have culturally when it comes to understanding our inner world, and especially that of our inner child, is that we focus so much on what is most obvious and conscious - for example the words we remember someone used - we can miss what happened decades ago (and is maybe still secretly happening in patterns that echo their origin) in more subtle or water-you-swam-in ways, especially if they were non-verbal or preverbal.
As Jung said in his essay The Psychology of the Child Archetype in his book The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious:
“Children are educated by what the grown-up is and not by his talk.”
But it can be very difficult to recognise the experiences we were immersed in and most educated (and shaped and wounded) by, particularly as we have a whole cast of inner characters whose very job depends on preventing us from remembering them, and this is why we benefit from approaching it in indirect and non-verbal ways… in other words, speaking the psyche’s own language.
Dream work, shamanic journeying, divination, ritual, movement and dance, myth and story, nature connection, drawing and painting - all of these (and many more) are ways we can converse with and explore our inner worlds.
As we journey deeper with the Inner Child in this month’s UNIO Mythical Quest, the revelations and realisations are coming thick and fast, even for those of us already long and deep in this work.
There’s something about focusing on a particular aspect of ourselves for a dedicated window of time, especially when questing with a group of others doing the same, that brings a potency and intentionality to the work that allows hidden wounds and gold to be brought into the light that otherwise might remain lost to the dark corners of our psyche.
So coming back to the title of this post… “What did your parents DO, not say?”… this, and conversely “What did your parents SAY, not do?” and many other enquiries, when attended to with curiosity, compassion, devotion and attention, following the call deep into our dreams, our bodies, and twilight liminal spaces, can show us the way to remember and re-member ourselves into wholeness.
All my love,
P.S the details to join us in UNIO are below - and if you join before the end of December, your first month is free, as a Christmas gift from us to you...
Mother and Child by Gustav Klimt
Maybe whatever is showing up *is* the thing
Maybe whatever is showing up is the thing
Over and over, clients come to a session saying... "I have these three things I want to look at but they're completely unrelated. And maybe I'm using Thing 1 to avoid looking at Thing 2. And maybe Thing 3 isn't really important."
And then as the conversation unfolds, it often turns out those things are entirely related, and sometimes incredibly, magically so.
Trust yourself.
What's showing up for you is important.
If you hold it that way, with care and reverence - like a bird in your palm - its significance, meaning the breadcrumbs it offers on the path of your soul, will be shown.
And maybe the things that seem most unrelated, unwanted, minor, and irrelevant can provide the most meaningful signposts of all - if only we can hold them gently and long enough so that they can reveal themselves.
P.S. I wrote this years ago and it just popped up, and I realised it’s been applying to events in my own life this week, more than ever… it’s all perfectly, geniusly connected.
Image: Bird In The Hand Painting by Marjorie Atwood
A picture speaks a thousand wounds
A picture speaks a thousand wounds
This is a rediscovered photograph from many moons ago, from when I was helping out a photographer with his portfolio.
I’m around 18 here… Almost still a girl.
Although I’ve shared others from that shoot, I’m not sure I’ve ever shared this one before now.
Reluctance and pride all mixed up with clothes that weren’t mine, and a body that I was in the work of claiming as mine.
What would your childhood self be happy to know?
What would your childhood self be happy to know?
Although much inner child work understandably focuses on the wounding of the child, the deeper our relationship with our little one becomes, the more their joy, play, curiosity, and creativity sparkles through our lives once again.
Ready for a Star Quest into your very soul?
As part of our monthly UNIO Mythical Quest, I sometimes invite members into a deeper Star Quest too, journeying astrologically, as well as with other spiritual and magical traditions.
This month’s quest is the Inner Child Quest, and so the Star Quest weaves between our natal sun and moon and their places on the Kabbalah tree of life which can be seen as our inner child and sovereign adult.
Neglect the inner child, neglect your soul
Neglect the inner child, neglect your soul
If ‘The Work’ doesn’t include and honour the inner child, it’s almost always an abandonment and denial of the inner child - which can bury vitally significant material even more deeply into shadow.
It’s never too late. And yet…
It’s never too late. And yet…
“I’ve been thinking and talking a lot lately about death, ancestors and fathers... The grief and the gifts. I was fortunate in so many ways, and in some ways I’m only really seeing now, 9 years after we lost him.”
“My mother, Sandy. I’m remembering my ancestors and re-membering myself. It’s sometimes better sooner but it’s never too late.”
I wrote these posts years ago on this day (and years apart), shared along with these photos… My mother and my father.
Where are you on your soul path?
Where are you on your soul path?
In both our Academy of Soul, UNIO, and The Rose Quest, along with animism and shamanism, we’re also questing with our astrological placements placed onto the Kabbalah Tree of Life, as seen here.
Three ancient traditions weaving together (there’s more too but keeping it simple for now).
Ancestors, ladybirds & maybe miracles
Ancestors, ladybirds & maybe miracles
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
Albert Einstein, or was it?*
We are embarking on an Ancestral Quest in our Soul Academy, UNIO, this month, and it brought to mind a story from a few years ago.
I’m going to tell you the story, and you can decide if it’s about miracles or not.
The soul work now the “results” are in…
The soul work now the “results” are in…
A conversation arose in The Rose Quest about the US election results today - and the role of the Temple Priestess in relationship to the events unfolding.
Whilst I almost never comment on these collective events, I will share some of what I shared in there - which is guidance for all of us who are so called…
“The role of the Temple Priestess (and anyone on the path of the soul) is to be in union with the polarities, to move up the [Kabbalah Tree of Life] central pillar from Yesod (ego), to Tiferet (awakened soul) and maybe to Da’ath (spiritual union).
Go To The Temple
Whenever I arrive in a new place, I seek out the ancient temple of that land… Roman, Templar, Greek, Buddhist, Hindu, Egyptian, Mayan, or, if I’m especially blessed, megalithic.
I do this to honour, remember, and learn.
It isn’t about this deity or that, though I will pay my respects if they are still present… It’s the temple itself.
The temples were built with great sacrifice - both noble and tragic - by those called to create them, with the intention that they would outlive them and generations of their descendants. The most ancient temples are often those whose hearts still echo within the stones, even after millennia.
Finding Your Spiritual Feet
The deeper I go with the mystical tradition of the Kabbalah, the more I see that it is the path of unity I’ve unknowingly been walking all along.
For some time, alchemy - as rediscovered and described by Jung - was the closest description of some of what I’d been spontaneously experiencing. But now I see that alchemy was a stepping stone to the metaphysical first principles of the Kabbalah.
My daughter, Princess of Questions, asked us over lunch “What skill do you wish you’d learned earlier in life?”
My reply was “Understanding how to work with dreams.”
Beyond Submission
In The Rose Quest, we are working with the principle of Receptivity, through the portal of the archetypal Temple Priestess.
If one has spent time in the realms of polarity and Masculine & Feminine energetics, the idea of Feminine submission will be very familiar, and perhaps the notion that it is the truest or highest expression of the Feminine, or even of a woman.
The North Star of Your Soul
The North Star of Your Soul
How Your North Node Reveals Your Life’s True Direction
Hello Old Souls,
This month in UNIO we are on a Truth Quest, and as part of this we are journeying into our True Nodes. I thought I'd share a taste of this with you all too (I go into more detail in UNIO.
The Difference
The Difference
Tonight, I feasted on the film Lee, about Lee Miller… she was a photographer, photojournalist and war correspondent.
It was a kaleidoscope of heart-wrenching devastation, courage, truth, love, bare breasts, cruelty, compassion, death, and red lipstick.
What struck me was seeing it through a woman’s lens, literally and metaphorically.
“Only a woman could’ve taken these.”
(A quote from the film.)
Mirror Imaginings
Mirror Imaginings
My son’s friend said today how much my daughter and I look like each other, which is something I hear often… But I find it hard to see that myself, I guess it can be hard to see oneself.
Then just now I happened to see this photo of me in my teens… And I can see it could be her.
As she said “It looks scarily similar”
Seeing her, in me, as me, as her…
The taboo of Feminine & Female spirituality
The taboo of Feminine & Female spirituality
I sense this is the last time I will be speaking about the archetype of the Temple Priestess, at least this side of The Rose Quest… The circle of women is all but complete and we are readying ourselves for the descent into the very heart of the Rose.
But I’ve realised there’s something I have to speak about first.
As I've been in the somaticontemplation of the Rose, and as I'm talking to the women called to Her, something has become clearer than ever before.
Although I’ve so far focused on the way the Temple Priestess is medicine for the sensual, bodily aspects of the Feminine, there’s an aspect of her that’s perhaps even more taboo.