Where are you on your soul path?

by Lian Brook-Tyler

In both our Academy of Soul, UNIO, and The Rose Quest, along with animism and shamanism, we’re also questing with our astrological placements placed onto the Kabbalah Tree of Life, as seen here.

Three ancient traditions weaving together (there’s more too but keeping it simple for now).

(Overly) simply put: the Kabbalah is the map, astrology is one’s own unique path, and animism and shamanism is how we journey.

That many of our students are so open and willing to wander so deeply into these tracks, many miles off the beaten path, is a constant source of awe and delight for me.

But it’s not necessary to go deep into or understand any of these complex traditions to benefit from the work we do in UNIO, it’s intentionally very optional and adaptable… the beauty of UNIO is that it can meet any soul, whoever they are, wherever they are on their path, and however they want to walk along it.

So, if you’re feeling that it’s either too beginner or too advanced for you, it might be time to take another look.

We have just began a potent Ancestral Quest - so if you’re feeling the call to go deeper on your soul path with a community of fellow old souls, there’s still time to join us. ♥️


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It’s never too late. And yet…


Ancestors, ladybirds & maybe miracles