Ready for a Star Quest into your very soul?

by Lian Brook-Tyler

As part of our monthly UNIO Mythical Quest, I sometimes invite members into a deeper Star Quest too, journeying astrologically, as well as with other spiritual and magical traditions.

This month’s quest is the Inner Child Quest, and so the Star Quest weaves between our natal sun and moon and their places on the Kabbalah tree of life which can be seen as our inner child and sovereign adult.

If you look at your natal chart, find your sun and moon’s sign, house and aspects, you’ll see the nature and interplay between your sovereign adult and your inner child - what can you learn from them? How can your inner sovereign learn to better care for your inner child? What does your sovereign tell you about what your soul is here for?

Or join UNIO (it’s currently free for your first month!) to go much deeper with this quest.

Here’s my own Star Quest so far…

My star child & my sovereign

My Yesod Inner Child is Taurus in the 2nd house of values and resources.

My Tiferet Sovereign, like most of my planets - I have a five planet Libra stellium plus a Taurus moon, which means that 6 of 10 of my planets have a Venus influence) is in Libra, in the 7th house of marriage and partnerships.

From sensual, peaceful stability (the antithesis in many ways to my childhood - at least materially) to balance, harmony and union.

Both are Venus-ruled, both appreciative of beauty and pleasure, so there’s a natural understanding between them - it reminds me of the one I have with my Libra rising daughter, we constantly talk about style and beauty, her stealing my make-up and clothes - and yet, whilst my Taurus inner child clings to creature comforts, my Libra sovereign takes me beyond the personal, to look for collective equality, divine synarchy, and ultimately to the unity that has become the hallmark, touchstone and calling of my soul.

It’s a polarity that painfully stretches and sometimes breaks me whilst expanding and making me, my sovereign is growing better at tending the child in her fears of loss of the sumptuous security she’s finally managed to create in her life.

I was shown that unity was the key to my soul many years before I fully understood the stars or the tree, and now I understand that it was destined and imprinted all along. That helps me understand what’s required of me and to choose it.

My soul name is Unity, the Incandescent Chalice - I was given this name, Rilke-style, to live into the question of its size and shape.

(Maybe this is true for all soul names - we know them by not knowing, because of their enormity and mystery.)

The ache of my soft-bodied longing for velvety, ecstatic, enchanted union is bearable only because the North Star of my soul is timeless, endless Unity.

The personal becomes the universal; the universal becomes the personal.

The stars guide my way.

All my love,



Art: The Alchemical Wedding by Emily Balivet


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What would your childhood self be happy to know?


Neglect the inner child, neglect your soul