Words weaved with magic & mystery to guide you in living your own myth
Ready to go beyond 'nature connection'..?
Ready to go beyond 'nature connection'..? 🌳
One of the most profound shifts in my own life and then work came from going from disembodied non-dual spirituality into embodiment, rewilding, and more primal ways of living... and then finding myself falling into a wonderland beyond all of that.
That space is entered via the portal of connection with the wild that might look like forest bathing and tree-hugging but is something quite different.
I have lived a life of striving, of giving until I literally had no more to give. After thirty years of battling with my body, to live a life that I was conditioned to believe was a good life, to work hard and be happy, a combination of my health and the state of the world meant in 2020 I lost the life I had.
All I was left with was my curiosity and deep sense that there was something more out there, another way of being in this world. Which is when the breadcrumbs lead me to Lian and Jonathan. There was an instant knowing that this was the start of releasing the years of armour, of rediscovering my true self, but I had no idea of the depth of myself that was hidden under that armour.
“Is magic real..?”
“Is magic real..?” ✨
I was asking myself yesterday whether by this point, after everything I’ve experienced, I can say for certain now that magic is real.
This is a question that was so important to me and even two years ago still was an obstacle on a path that Spirit was telling me over and over, increasingly loudly, to walk down. It was a path that was filled with all of my doubts and fears, and so honestly, the obstacle was actually quite welcome.
How we’re serving from the soul
(After over 10 years of doing so!)
Something that’s so dear to mine and Jonathan Wilkinson's hearts is providing ways for people to do the deepest inner work with honour and humility, to heal, individuate, alchemise their wounds into their unique medicine, and live their own soul’s truth, no matter who they are, where they live, the resources and challenges they have, or where on the path they are.
It’s for this reason that we have offerings that range from by donation or subsidised up to offerings costing tens of thousands of pounds, each meeting different needs in different ways… But what never changes is the depth of invitation and love that’s present in all that we do.
Is THIS the way?
Is THIS the way? 💎
In the last few days I’ve used shamanic journeying, tarot, microdosing, astrology, dream work, mythology, inner child work, Socratic questioning, guided visualisation, Kabbalah, alchemy, and other traditions and systems in working with clients and students.
Some of these I use because they’re my mother tongue (e.g. Socratic questioning, mythology, and archetypes) some I use because I’ve been guided to do so despite much resistance (e.g. shamanism as a whole, and teacher plants especially), and some I use because they’re the other person’s mother tongue (e.g. Human Design).
Working with teacher plants (aka ‘plant medicine’)
Working with teacher plants (aka ‘plant medicine’) 🌱
I first began working with plant spirits many years ago, long before I had been trained to do so shamanically (in fact, perhaps before I even knew there was such a thing as doing so shamanically)!
Yesterday, I was thinking of my great uncle George and how unusual interracial marriages were back then in the 40s.
I asked Chris Tyler-Humm if he could find any photos in my mother’s photo albums and bless him, he went rummaging through the albums and sent over some precious photos, as well as an old letter he’d found.
Your Soul’s Calling Keeps Calling 💫
As acclaimed mythologist and author, Michael Meade, said on our recent podcast “Your calling keeps calling.” (Link below.)
I can attest to the truth of that… in two ways:
Firstly, that as much as we might try to dismiss the call to a deeper, more spiritual, more magical, more mythical way of being and working, it will keep calling, for a lifetime if needed, and in ways that are harder and harder to ignore.
The anniversary of a miracle 🌟
It was 6 years ago today that I had the operation that restored enough of my hearing that I can now manage without hearing aids (not that I managed particularly well with them).
It’s easy to take even miracles for granted after a while but I do my best not to
Symbols, myths, magic, and how healing actually happens 💫
I was with a client this morning supporting her with integrating a deep, difficult plant medicine journey.
I drew a tarot card for her which mirrored symbols that had both shown up in her journey and in a message she’d received when visiting her special tree a few days before.
Who I am & ways to work with me… 🌟
Hello beautiful soul,
It’s my first day back at work since before Christmas, it’s been a while since I’ve written something like this and there’s been many (many!) changes, within and without, since the last one, and so it felt like it was time to (re-)introduce myself and the work I do.
Why Almost Right Isn’t Right (and you know it) ⚔️
You’re already doing work that on your best days, you feel fortunate to be doing.
And it’s certainly much better than what you used to do.
But secretly you know… it’s not quite right.
It’s sort of the right direction, it’s sort of the right kind of clients, it’s sort of using your gifts.
What does it mean to be Mythical? 🌟
As we (Jonathan, the whole team, and I) journey into the evolution of Be Mythical, we have been deep in conversation and contemplation of those words and what we mean by them.
There’s a shadow of both words that we are called to be conscious of, intimate with and responsible for…
“Be Yourself!” 🌟
When people say things like “just be you”, what’s often missed is what that requires… Which is self awareness, healing, and individuation, not to mention being confronted by and responsible for all the parts of you that you feel are unacceptable, unwelcome and ugly.
That takes many years, more typically decades, and it takes deep devotion.
How long does it take to live your soul’s purpose?
My own purpose is guiding others to discover their soul’s purpose and to actualise it, whether that’s through founding a business, creating a non-profit venture, or by honouring it in the work they already do, and one of the things I’ve seen is vital is that we need to honour the time that takes, however long that is.
Soul business is usually slow business 🐌
Soul business is usually slow business 🐌
(Or why we won’t promise you’ll make an easy 6 or 7 figures - overnight or at all)
Word of mouth
Ebb and flow
Easy does it
Plant medicine integration: What is being integrated with what? 🌱
I sat with a man recently who had sat with ayahausca… We were in the work of integration.
You may know that after a ceremony with a teacher plant it’s considered wise to consciously integrate what occurred.
Are you being initiated? 🖤
People are often called to work with me and Jonathan as they're called to or are journeying through life initiations such as a plant medicine ceremony, a dark night of the soul, or a huge change or rupture, such as relationship breakdown, childbirth, job change or loss, ill health or bereavement pulling them in down into its alchemical crucible.
Which stage of psychological alchemy are you in? 🖤
Many people who come to work with us are undergoing psychological alchemy, though they often don’t know that - or not fully, even though they are often experienced facilitators of transformational or spiritual work themselves, for example working as coaches, therapists, and spiritual teachers.
To the ones who see things differently 👁️
You see life in a different way to most, and you’ve learned to hold back from sharing much of what you see and feel because painful experience has shown you that few can understand or relate.
And so when huge world events are taking place - that no-one can agree upon, aside from agreeing that they’re terrible - you are compelled to hide that you are seeing those events through a different lens altogether.