To the ones who see things differently 👁️

By Lian Brook-Tyler

You see life in a different way to most, and you’ve learned to hold back from sharing much of what you see and feel because painful experience has shown you that few can understand or relate.

And so when huge world events are taking place - that no-one can agree upon, aside from agreeing that they’re terrible - you are compelled to hide that you are seeing those events through a different lens altogether.

You either stay mute or mumble the message of the most uncontroversial memes you’ve seen “Yes, it’s heartbreaking.”

And yet, what if the way you see the world is a vital part of the whole?

That doesn’t necessarily mean sharing it on social media or getting in debates over the dinner table but to first bring awareness and acceptance to who you are and how you experience life.

Not to listen to the inner voice repeating the criticisms you’ve heard before that you’re only seeing things as you do because of privilege or a lack of education on the matter at hand… You’re bypassing, cold, ignorant, heartless, robotic.

But what if you are made to hold polarity and paradox… The archetypal shaman straddling the realms?

What if your wide open mind sees others beyond personal judgements… The oracle glimpsing universal truths?

What if your wide open heart feels love, no matter who someone is or what they’ve done… The mystic at one with all?

What if that is medicine?

What if you are medicine?

What then?


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