Which stage of psychological alchemy are you in? 🖤

By Lian Brook-Tyler

Many people who come to work with us are undergoing psychological alchemy, though they often don’t know that - or not fully, even though they are often experienced facilitators of transformational or spiritual work themselves, for example working as coaches, therapists, and spiritual teachers.

There is no shame in that, culturally we have little understanding of the deeper workings of the psyche, or the symbols we will meet there, and have very little in the way of awareness, let alone modeling, of individuation - which is the eventual outcome of psychological alchemy.

This means that people undergoing alchemy can feel overwhelmed, alone, lost, and confused, wandering without a map or compass, or alternatively delusional and grandiose, believing they’re enlightened, special, and have no more inner work to do, which means their evolution will stall or they’ll come down to earth with a bump.

Psychological alchemy can be described as happening in four main stages (which can also be cyclical), I’ve described them below, along with examples, to help you to recognise which stage you might be in:

1.Nigredo (Blackening) - Turmoil and darkness:

This is often a period of crisis or emotional turmoil in someone's life, for example, a difficult divorce, bereavement, or serious illness, during which they face intense emotional pain and a confrontation with previously hidden aspects of themselves. This phase may be characterised by feelings of darkness, confusion, and a sense of being "broken down”. However, it's within this challenging period that the potential for transformation lies, if the person can be honest about their struggles and their unwelcome parts, and seeks a path towards true healing and self-discovery..

In traditional alchemy, Nigredo is the breaking down of base metals in order to initiate the transformation into gold - symbolically, it is cracking open to reveal and face the darker and hidden aspects of the psyche, so that one might begin the journey of integration.

2. Albedo (Whitening) - Purifying and gaining clarity:

This is a phase of self-reflection and growth following a challenging experience, for example someone who has gone through a difficult breakup, and then actively engages in healing work, introspection, and self-care. This individual consciously works on understanding their emotions, gaining clarity on their needs, values and boundaries, seeking a more harmonious inner state.

Symbolically, the Albedo stage represents the process of purification, it is where the person actively works towards gaining clarity on past experiences and strives for a clearer, more refined understanding of themselves and their life path.

3. Citrinitas (Yellowing) - Heightened awareness:

This is a phase where a person experiences a profound shift in awareness and begins to see life from a heightened perspective. This is typically someone who has been deeply engaging in self-discovery, personal development, and perhaps spiritual practices after the period of reflection in Albedo. During the Citrinitas stage, they may start to recognise and accept the patterns in their life, gain a deeper understanding of their purpose, and experience a heightened sense of clarity.

Citrinas represents the alchemical goal of turning base metals into silver, it symbolises signifies brightening of consciousness and the transition towards greater awareness and integration of the self. There's a heightened awareness of one's purpose and a sense of inner light.

(This stage isn’t shown in the image as it isn’t always included in descriptions of alchemy - however, I’ve seen it’s an important one to be aware of in order to ready us for the next stage, which isn't one we can leap to without the work of Citrinas.)

4. Rubedo (Reddening) - Wholeness and embodied awareness:

This is where a person moves into psychological wholeness and experiences deep alignment as they go about their day to day life. They have gone through the stages of Nigredo (turmoil and darkness), Albedo (purifying and gaining clarity), and Citrinitas (heightened awareness), and in the Rubedo stage, they embody their understanding and self-awareness in their life. This will manifest as congruence, in which their actions align with their inner self, an acceptance of the unfolding of life, relationships become more authentic, and they contribute meaningfully to their family and community.

Rubedo represents the alchemical goal of turning base metals into gold, in this case, inner gold, it symbolises the ultimate outcome of psychological alchemy – the integration of opposites, the realisation of one's authentic self, and a state of heightened consciousness - union with one’s own soul.

In modern spiritual work, we can unconsciously attempt to skip - or are sometimes thrust spontaneously past (ask me how I know) - the earlier stages, though the irony is, it’s only from Rubedo that true spiritual work can begin.

Life has an intelligence that will bring us to do the work we need to do. Healing is a natural process, and we will be drawn towards wholeness, even when it appears indirect, like we’re going backward, or even as though everything has gone wrong because life has become dark and turbulent.

Wherever you are, it’s exactly where you need to be… go slowly, go gently, and keep going.

My love and blessings as you unfold your own myth.

Lian ♥️

P.S. This is the very work we do in Medicine, which begins again in March ‘24… book your illumination call with me or Jonathan to explore whether it’s aligned for you to join us.

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To the ones who see things differently 👁️