“Is magic real..?”

by Lian Brook-Tyler

“Is magic real..?”

I was asking myself yesterday whether by this point, after everything I’ve experienced, I can say for certain now that magic is real.

This is a question that was so important to me and even two years ago still was an obstacle on a path that Spirit was telling me over and over, increasingly loudly, to walk down. It was a path that was filled with all of my doubts and fears, and so honestly, the obstacle was actually quite welcome.

At that time though, I had such a clear message from my father’s old diaries “See it Li, see it all, it’s true.” that I didn’t let the obstacle stop me, I finally chose this path fully, took Rilke’s advice and began living into the question.

Fear has continued to pop its head up every now and again, especially when something incredibly magical happens, with “Ah, but what if that was coincidence?” Or “Maybe you’re just making it up.” And sometimes the deepest Fear shows its face and says “What if this is real… what will it mean about you? What will it mean about reality?”

But yesterday, I realised it no longer seems important to be able to verify magic with black and white scientific facts (to be clear, those already exist but I always needed more) or to have an experience that blows any remaining doubt out of the water (to be clear, I’ve had many but I always needed more) before I can believe in magic…. I still desire both of those things but it no longer seems important.

I now live in a deep experience of the Anima Mundi, the web that interconnects all beings… I know by now that if my soul needs or desires something, it will come, sometimes immediately, in the form of a human, animal or plant. And I know that I’m that for other being’s souls too.

I now know that even if magic is a placebo, it’s a placebo that is the cure for the mundane, shallow, grey existence of our modern culture and I will happily take my daily dose to live an enchanted life. And what’s placebo anyway, if not magic?

I know now that even if magic only works at the tiniest, most subtle of levels that we’ve been able to measure scientifically, what I’ve seen for myself is that those tiny, subtle levels create real changes in human beings… little by little, healing their deep wounds and allowing them to expand into their soul’s full size. And those changes allow them to be, have and do things that are the stuff of myth and magic.

And lastly, I realised yesterday that in response to the deepest Fear, I know now that I have enough of my power back to feel safe enough to answer the question “What will it mean about you? What will it mean about reality?” With “It’ll mean everything. It will mean it’s all true.”

Finally, I know that magic is real… and that is one of the most precious and meaningful realisations of my life.

The story could end there but magic being magic, it doesn’t.

Yesterday, I was capturing some creative ideas, and one of the things I wrote on my wish list was “Antlers”.

This morning, my husband woke me up to give me this antler that he’d just found in the field.

It was a message from Spirit, which has loved, guided and provided to me all along, through my doubts and fears. Spirit wanted the last word.

“Yes my child, magic is real. As your father told you… it’s all true.”

All my love,



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