10 reasons your soul business might not be yielding the results you long for… 🤨

By Lian Brook-Tyler

1. Focusing on searching for new clients rather than whole-heartedly serving the precious clients you already have. 👁️

2. Treating your soul business like a hobby and prioritising everything else in your life over it, and yet, still expecting it to bring the results of a business. 💼

3. Not being clear on your soul niche (this is the very work we do in Medicine - link below). 🧩

4. Not showing up regularly and/or not showing up where your potential clients are. 🗺️

5. Trying to do it all yourself rather than investing in the help, guidance, and support you need (whether that’s a VA, therapist, medicine person, or a teacher) OR paying a money coach or life coach tens of thousands whilst ignoring your festering childhood wounds. 💰

6. Copying what you’ve received from another coach or teacher (receiving someone’s teaching doesn’t qualify you to teach it to others, unless it was a *training* designed with that intention), rather than doing the work that you’ve been initiated in, trained in and have truly embodied, and are now ready to do in your own unique way with others - which will create far more powerful results than being a pale imitation will ever yield. 👤

7. Relying on manifestation magic OR believing you have to force things rather than allowing intuition and synchronicity to work their magic. 🧙

8. Expecting one platform or medium to do all the work. 🤷‍♀️

9. Spiralling into entitled expectation (“Surely I should have tonnes of clients, thousands of followers and be a sought after speaker by NOW?”) taking your focus and energy from simply doing the work your soul came here to do. 🌀

10. Serving conditioning and wounding, not your soul (this is often the cause of many of the other reasons on this list). ❤️‍🩹

11. A bonus one that could have been the only one… Not taking soul-aligned action. 🛑

If you read this list and are…

…Cringing in recognition, please give yourself some compassion, these are all very common, and for good reason. Awareness is a powerful step in moving beyond anything… and you’re now aware. 🙏

… Or thinking “That all sounds like too much hard work!” That’s absolutely fine too, perhaps this isn’t the time (or lifetime) for you to do this kind of work, it’s certainly not for everyone at every time. No shame in that.

🌟 Want to know more?

(Yes, I’ve been atypically brief here - knowing I may well be misunderstood! Couldn’t resist adding that all important PS..!)

I’ll be doing a podcast episode on this very topic soon - you can find the Be Mythical podcast on all podcast platforms, including YouTube, hit subscribe or follow to be sure to catch it when it’s released - search or follow the link above.

And I’ll be streaming it live into our academy for old souls, UNIO (aka magic school!), and doing a Q&A with our students on it afterwards - so that’s the place to be if you want to go even deeper.

All my love,

Lian ♥️

P.S. When I say “results”, it could mean all kinds of things to you… such as impact, freedom, power, joy, gravitas, influence, expression, money… and so, as well as the list above, if we’re at interested in individuation (and Old Souls really need to be), it’s simultaneously about making conscious why those results are is important to you and then do the work with and through your focus on that.

Art: Lucy Campbell 🙏

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