Creating your life through priming your mind

Written by Lian Brook-Tyler

This picture, a print of Waterhouse’s The Soul of the Rose was a wedding present from my husband 11 years ago, it hangs on our bedroom wall and reminds me daily of the dreamy, poetic and soulful way that I’m devoted to living.

This post isn’t just about this picture though, it’s about one of the powerful ways I create my being and therefore my very life.

I read an article years ago by the personal growth genius Steve Pavlina about the power of priming your mind.

Even though I was deep in spiritualising the heck out of life at the time (“Everything is an illusion.”), the idea still grabbed me.

I guess as someone whose top strength, according to the VIA strengths survey, is The Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence (yes, really… it’s officially a strength!) I didn’t require much convincing to put even more conscious attention on what I was surrounding myself with.

So I went about creating an environment that looked and felt beautiful, magical and wild.

Very little of what’s in my surroundings now is there by chance alone – from the pictures, desk and tech (and altar, feathers and crystals, natch) in my studio to the fairy houses, old fashioned roses and wild spaces in our garden… it’s all created in alignment with my vision.

Interestingly, I’ve never talked about any of this directly with my husband (he’s just always thought that I’m OCD about my environment) and yet he was using the printer in my studio the other day and then afterwards said that he noticed how intentional it all seemed, that there appeared to be a reason for everything that was placed there… “It’s like a reinforcement of who you are.”

Ah, maybe The Soul of the Rose has come to life.

How are you devoted to living? And how is your environment priming for that?

Coming up in 2021 there will be more ways that you can walk the path of Waking The Wild. It’s going to be an epic year of Soul, Myth & Magic if we have anything to do with it! To find out more go to: Go deeper – Primal Happiness –


11 signs that you’re a Magical One


A homage to the hidden and often misunderstood precious gold of projections