Decades before I knew I was autistic, ADHD or dyspraxic, I knew I was dyscalculic.

By Lian Brook-Tyler

Growing up with a father with a genius IQ who lived and breathed numbers (he taught maths and physics), when despite my perfectly fine intellect, I struggled with telling the time, telling left from right, or the most basic mental arithmetic (I often use my fingers to count beyond 5 even now), I knew there was something at play.

The very first time I heard of dyscalculia I knew instantly that it was that.

Back then it was often a source of shame, embarrassment and frustration, whereas I don’t tend to think much about it these days, it’s something I’ve completely accepted about myself along with all my other neurodivergences (gotta catch ‘em all!) but I can also see the gifts in me being open about my experiences and my journey to where I am now.

So I share I do… I speak openly about my weird and wonderful ways… how I’ve come to love the heck out of them all, to create the support and systems I need, and to understand and become the potent Medicine I came here to be.

The invitation is for you to do the same… to know and love your unique self fully… my love is with you all the way.


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There’s only ONE reason I speak about being autistic and it’s this…
