Devotion, submission and union 🙌

By Lian Brook-Tyler

I was talking to precious WTW alumni Nicole Barton this morning, she was sharing with me how much is transforming in her life since the shamanic healing she had with me two months ago, and saying that amongst other changes, she was being unexpectedly called back to activities she once loved, such as horse-riding, yoga and piano.

I was saying that many of us submit to our souls without realising we are… A few of these ways are martial arts, music, and working with horses.

The choice to devote to activities like these is really the choice to honour what our soul is calling us to, despite wounding and conditioning pulling us to instead heed the demands of the external world.

I was saying that if someone has had a devotion of this kind, I know they have the embodied blueprint which will serve them in the devotion needed to the Great Work of healing, individuation and realisation - which takes every last drop of devotion imaginable, and more.

Synchronistically, at the same time I was talking to a friend about my (maybe somewhat strange) enjoyment of the work of fantasy comic artists like Boris Vallejo and Frank Frazetta, and mentioned an image which I’d used in a post about submission to our teachers, soul and spirit (see below), in which I mentioned my background in martial arts.

Over the years guiding students in this work, it’s become crystal clear that when entering this path it is beneficial to have our eyes wide open to what it’ll ask of us and the devotion required to continue in the face of sometimes seemingly insurmountable challenges and heartbreaking ruptures.

I know that some will choose the work initially because a teacher is charismatic or their life appears enviable or they think it’ll provide the longed for success in business or love, that’s completely understandable and may well be the pull onto the path that was needed, and yet, it can make for some of the most difficult of experiences as it doesn’t prepare one for understanding that real purpose and true meaning of the work isn’t to have a better, more successful life in the ways our culture measures it, it is simply to know your soul, live the unique myth you came here for, and ultimately, in this lifetime or another, to move towards union with God.

And that’s why it takes devotion.

All my love and blessings as you unfold your own myth.



P.S. I was also saying to Nicole, that a shamanic healing is not a magic bullet, rather it opens the doorways to healing, someone still needs to choose to walk through them - which is helped immeasurably when someone is devoted to the work - as indeed Nicole is. (Everything shared here is with her permission)

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