Discovering our role in the village

by Lian Brook-Tyler

Discovering our role in the village

As we’re coming to the end of this month’s quest in our soul academy, UNIO, I’m being brought present to all I’ve discovered about my role/s this month, as well as the path to self-gnosis and wholeness for all of us.

Synchronistically, I saw these words I wrote a couple of years ago…

“Returning lost soul parts, beauty, magic, power, light and gifts to the people who are ready to be united with their magnificence… what a job I have!

(And how I resisted it… which is how I know so well of the need for us to be ready, and what that takes.)”

I know now that even when I wrote those words there was *still* resistance.

I’ve spoken before about my challenge to identify with labels and roles - mother, wife, shamanic healer, spiritual teacher, mentor, Brit, gardener, writer, medicine woman, animal lover, deaf person (at one point, I was very deaf, now I am partially so), Kabbalist, animist, autistic woman (ironically, it’s apparently that last one that creates the challenge! See below for a good article on this) - though I’ve tried them all on for size, inhabiting them fully in order to see more about my resistance, and have used (and still use) some of them for ease of communication.

I have wondered if I was given these liminal, ever-changing eyes (neither blue or green though people have argued well for one or the other), so that I could begin having this experience of formless, uncertain, moment-to-moment changeability early, most memorably from the moment I first needed to fill in a form giving my eye colour. Note: my mother’s, sister’s and daughter’s eyes… all green.

Others will have the opposite challenge and will feel drawn to grip tight onto their identities that let people know who they are, who and what they belong to, and what they do.

Neither is right or wrong, it’s simply the shape our soul paths take… both provide illumination if we’re willing to look there.

Back to this quest, for me it’s been one of simultaneously letting go of my grasp on identities I didn’t know I was grasping onto (when we believe we never do something, it’s a perfect place for that very thing to hide), whilst serving more fully in certain roles, in particular, healer, medicine woman, and the teacher of darkier, edgier teachings - for example, I am offering shamanic healings more widely than I have before (see details below).

And so, the soul quest of a lifetime continues…

All my love and blessings as you journey on yours.

P.S. we begin our next quest next week - do come join us!

All my love,



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