By Lian Brook-Tyler

I saw it was International Son’s Day yesterday and didn’t feel moved to take notice of it.

Then this morning a friend posted some photos of her sons and I noticed how my heart glowed upon feeling her unreserved, unconditional love for her grown-up boys, a.k.a. men.

That’s deeply important to me… Celebrating the boys, the men, the sons, the fathers, the grandfathers - which here and now is about celebrating my son.

He’s my firstborn.

He nearly died at birth - the tears in the eyes of the registrar as she told me so are imprinted in my heart and mind forever.

It was an initiation into my courage to listen to my intuition and to heed it, no matter what it takes.

Whilst in labour “No, this doesn’t feel right, we need help.” and in the first days when he was in NICU and the medics wanted to give him formula “No, I will breastfeed and express around the clock.”

He’s changed me, strengthened me, opened me and softened me, and continues to do so, now as his journey to manhood begins and our roles alchemise anew.

More and more he tends to me… providing me with directions when I’m lost, just yesterday when I took a wrong turn en route to my sister’s house, he said “This is why you need me with you, Mama!”, running up to the parcel box in the drive to fetch my never-ending flow of new dresses being delivered - and then telling me I look beautiful as I twirl in them, and standing behind me when I’m sitting to place kisses on my crown.

He is sensitive, precise and passionate like me, loyal, protective and steadfast like his father, has the musical gifts, good looks and dress sense of my father, and he has the great eyebrows, full lips and strong will of us all.

And most of all, he is his own unique, indefinable wild soul and I am so blessed to dance with him this lifetime.

Here’s to him and to all the sons! 💗


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