4 Ways to Feel Happy when Life Seems Anything But

Sometimes problems look insurmountable, situations seem too hard to accept, and events feel too painful to see as just another step on the journey of life.

What then?

Let go

We all have access to unlimited possibilities… but for our thinking that we don’t.  New ideas, solutions and opportunities will flow into your mind and life as soon as you let go of your thoughts about what’s wrong with the situation.  Stop looking at the dark and you’ll see the stars.

Slow down

Nothing needs to be done right now (aside from moving quickly if someone’s life is in danger right at this very second, which given you’re reading this I’ll assume that’s not the case). Nothing is ever urgent. In fact, if something feels urgent, there’s a very good chance that right now you’re not in the best state of mind to do anything about it anyway. Relax, you have oodles of time on your side.

Do nothing

We don’t need to put in all that effort to try to control and change events, the future and other people to make life feel better. The truth is that we never have control over anything anyway! But here’s the great news: life is unfolding perfectly in every moment, fresh thoughts are flowing continuously and your inner core is peace and happiness – all without you needing to do a thing. Chill, it’s all being taken care of.

Feel the love

We are all loved far more than we ever really know. It only feels as though we’re unloved when we’re attaching meaning to thoughts of wanting to be loved in a specific way by a particular person. You are surrounded by love and made of love.  Open your heart and fall into love.



When did you Stop…?


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