Fox Woman: How we banish the Feminine and the price we all pay in doing so 🦊

By Lian Brook-Tyler

The tale of the Hunter and Fox Woman have returned to me after their visit a couple of years ago, last time they came via finding a dead fox in my path when I took the “wrong” route home, and this time with a fox’s tail, as well as through the current Mythical Quest in UNIO.

Side-note: This kind of synchronous interweaving of the literal and metaphorical so often happens for those of us who work both shamanically and alchemically.

In my next solo podcast episode, I will go deep into this activating, evocative story - illuminating how the Hunter and Fox Woman live inside and outside almost all of us, what we can do to begin to be in conscious relationship with them, and the rich gifts in doing so.

As Martin Shaw said…

“We are that hunter, socially and, most likely, personally. The smell of the pelt is the price of real relationship to wild nature: its sharp, regal, undomesticated scent. While that scent is in our hut there can be no Hadrian's Wall between us and the world.”

I’m not yet sure if I’ll record this live (and if so, where and when), so if you want to be sure to catch it, when it goes out on the podcast, do subscribe to the Be Mythical Podcast show.

I can’t promise it will be comfortable but it will show you something of your soul - just like Fox Woman.

All my mythical, mystical, magical foxy love,

P.S. If for now, you’d like to enter the portal of another myth, my previous episode about Chiron, the Wounded Healer is a potent one.

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This is how I discovered magic is real 🙏