Listening to Trees

By Lian Brook-Tyler


This week I saw a lion and a wolf in the bark of my special oak tree. Both are symbolic animals for me and seeing them together in this way was the answer to a deep question I’ve been living into.

Is there *really* a lion and a wolf depicted here?

My old evidence-crazed self would have said “Of course not! How delusional.”

Whereas this me surrenders to all the ways the Divine shows itself, especially in the form of this tree.

I navigated the happenings of 2020 entirely from a message that this tree told me in the February of what was to come and what it would mean for me and the world. It meant I danced in the rupture with more love and grace than I believe I otherwise would have.

If that’s delusional then I’ll take it when that delusion has guided me so well, so reliably, for so many years.

Terence McKenna said “The cost of sanity in this society, is a certain level of alienation.”

When a society has drifted far from its roots, when things are topsy turvy, maybe delusion and sanity become one… and if my delusional sanity means a certain level of alienation then I’ll take that too. It’s a sovereign price I’ll pay over and over.

But I have a feeling it’s not a price I’ll need to pay for long… the dreamers, crazy ones and misfits are waking to the wisdom of the wild and are beginning to gather. As Lennon said “I hope someday you’ll join us. And the world will be as one.”

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