The next chapter scares me…

Written by Lian Brook-Tyler

My dreams and visions have been intense lately… a ceremonial bonfire in which I was throwing in the names of my identities, powerful spirit animals, walking alone and lonely, wandering Mayan ruins… and the synchronicities showing up have been pure magic.

I’m exploring whether to embark on shamanic training – maybe that’s why. Perhaps my soul is whispering the possibilities of the gifts and losses that could come from choosing this path.

It’s taken years for me to get to this point where even the exploration of it is possible – I had to first let go of many layers of outgrown identity, integrated heaps of shadow and move through so much fear. Despite all that expansion, what might be ahead still looms large and frightening.

I was sharing with friends that one of the initiatory rites of the shamanic training is being buried underground overnight, they had what’s probably a very normal, healthy “Hell no!” to that. My own reaction to it was interesting, it was kind of: “Being buried, meeting the earth, contemplating my death… OK, that sounds really tough and also makes complete sense.”

So it’s not real things that scare me, it’s the unreal things that might well turn out to be real – after a lifetime of slamming shut and locking tight every door on that terrifying possibility.

I have no idea what’s next but as ever, I’m devoted to sharing my stories as they unfold, believing in the power of each of us doing so, even and especially when we don’t know more than a few words ahead, let alone the ending.

Until the next page…

Coming up in 2021 there will be more ways that you can walk the path of Waking The Wild. It’s going to be an epic year of Soul, Myth & Magic if we have anything to do with it! To find out more go to: Go deeper – Primal Happiness –

#wakingthewild #soulpath #soulcraft #wildwoman #shamanic #shaman #shamanism #wildmagic #rewilding #faceyourfears


The soul-made YES is often the most frightening YES to say


The Knight