The untapped power of the Night Self

by Lian Brook-Tyler

The untapped power of the Night Self

“Dreams are the guiding words of the soul. Why should I henceforth not love my dreams and not make their riddling images into objects of my daily consideration?” ~Carl Jung, The Red Book

A potent way to ‘be mythical’ - which is to say, to consciously enter the world of wild and mythical archetypes, beings, arcs, and symbols in service of living your soul’s unique myth - is to pay attention to the contents of our dreams, this intentional relationship with what I call our “Night Self” is one that grows richer with time and attention.

My dreams last night were glistening with wonders… birth, breast milk, prophesy, magic, creative power, union… those of you familiar with Tarot or Runes, might recognise the energy of The Empress (synchronistic with the anniversary this week of the visit of a female Emperor dragonfly), The High Priestess, Berkana and Laguz. I will spend my day working with, contemplating, and dreaming into these symbols from the night.

Guidance to create this kind of deeply intimate relationship with your Night Self and also understanding archetypal symbols as breadcrumbs on your soul path is something we provide in our Academy of the Soul, UNIO.

And we’ve just opened subsidised subscription options so anyone can join us, no matter their financial situation.

“I took it upon myself to get to know my myth and I regarded this as the task of all tasks.” ~Carl Jung

If you long for guidance, support, and the kinship of fellow old souls as you discover and live into your own myth, come join us in UNIO.

All my love



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