What is your soul purpose?
By Lian Brook-Tyler
I met a successful entrepreneur at a party last week, and we got talking about what we do.
Attempting to capture what I do in a few short sentences is foolhardy, so I said something that met the dear man and the precious moment about how Waking The Wild helps people to find and live their purpose.
Which is true, but not quite the whole truth.
We often think of purpose as meaning just the work we do but our soul purpose is unfathomably deeper and wider than that, and yet also less grandiose, it’s about fulfilling the roles that your soul came here for… mother, father, lover, teacher, student, neighbour, friend, activist, baker, candlestick maker, worldchanger… without compromise or complaint.
And although it’s not just about our job, for many of us, discovering and doing our soul work is what illuminates the most guarded, oldest, and most painful of wounds, especially if our work lies outside our culture’s knowledge of what’s safe, desirable or even possible, for example: innovators, seers and healers.
It takes time, it needs humility, honesty, courage and compassion, it will call for deep healing, and it requires being responsible for all of that.
But as a soul sister said to me yesterday “What’s the alternative really?”
Quite. For anyone who has awoken, even a little, to their soul’s purpose, there’s no alternative.
Rumi’s words don’t come as an admonishment, it’s an echo of what’s already in their hearts… “Don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.”
My love and blessings as you unfold yours.
Art: Aarn Giri
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