What SUCCESS really is and how to be truly successful

By Lian Brook-Tyler

I sometimes find myself in conversations about “success” and when I ask someone to share their definition of it, they realise the trusty societal landmarks and milestones with which they used confidently to measure success have been left behind on a worn and dusty game board upon which it no longer makes sense for them to place their piece.


This is because although the people who are journeying with me might still feel some of the shadowy allure of approval, security and control (the hidden basis of what’s deemed success in our culture), they know enough by now to know it’s not the game they came here to play.


Yes, they could still achieve our culture’s hallmarks of success… money, power, status… if it’s aligned for them to do so, but if so, it will be a manifestation of something much deeper occurring.


So how do I define “success”?


Spoiler alert: it’s kind of meaningless because it’s absolutely general and yet completely different for each person…


For me, success means living as an embodiment and expression of your Soul.


Absolutely general because this is true for all of us.


Completely different because this will be unique to each of us.


You might think that would make it hard to tell when someone is successful using this definition, given how subjective and individual it is.


But no, we can see it, it’s unmistakable, so much so, our friend Clarissa says this…


“One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul…. Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it.” Clarissa Pinkola Estés


This is being so soul-illuminated we dance through the world like fireflies, entirely of this earth and from a fantastical other world at the same time, lighting the way for ourselves and others.


But the incandescence, just like wealth, position or fame, is a side effect of doing what brings our hearts alive, whether it brings us the trappings of cultural success or not… come what may, we choose to play the only game our souls came here for.


And one last thing, this kind of success is a Divinely-rigged game which all of us can win, in fact, we all win when any one of us wins.


So that’s what I call success… here’s to yours.


P.S. if you’re ready to play, come see if Waking The Wild Sovereign is meant for you.


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