Mythical Masculine
“Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it.”
This is for you…
If your life is lacking real purpose and meaning (you may not know what it is but you feel deep down that you’re here for something more… something bigger, bolder, heart-felt and soul-led)
If you lack the deep intimacy, love and sex that your heart craves (without the confidence and know-how to create it)
If you’re struggling with the burden of life and feeling trapped by the lack of freedom (compounded by the shame of financial inadequacy)
If you feel you’re at the mercy of others’ demands (and lack the ability to powerfully honour your boundaries and NOs)
If you feel you lack the level of presence and confidence required to create the impact in your life that your heart longs for (and despite your best efforts, insecurity and uncertainty keep getting the better of you)
If you’re feeling isolated, lonely and lacking the support and mentorship of men who really get you (and this only grows with each year that passes)
I hear you brother, this is the harsh reality for most of us men in this modern world.
A man’s true power is alchemised through the depth of his purpose and the degree to which he has sovereignty over the direction of his life.
However, almost all men today lack the guidance, support and initiation to create that purpose and sovereignty… which is why I’m called to lead another potent circle of men through a journey of Mythical Masculine reclamation.
This is a descent into the soul that’s not for every man… however if you’re feeling the call, read on.
Your journey…
You’ll be joining a potent circle of men, which is intentionally capped to make this the most deeply intimate and powerful experience possible.
On this journey, we’ll be harnessing embodiment principles and core Masculine methods to aid you in the reclamation of the gifts of the Mythical Masculine… This will unfold through hands-on feedback and training via an in-person vision quest, joining together in circle, and practices in your own home and the wild.
We will be deepening over the course of circles structured around the three-day vision quest, set in the sacred lands of Ibiza, or if you’re outside of the UK, I will support you in creating your Vision Quest on land more local to you.
A vision quest is a rite of passage, based on ancient wisdom and technology, and is an incredibly powerful cocoon of transformation for men.
I’m creating an online group container in this way to provide a much more accessible way to work with me than my 1:1 fees and availability allow and to activate the magnifying power of a circle of men. The circles are also virtual (via the magic of Zoom!) making it possible to join from anywhere.
The gifts of the Mythical Masculine that you’ll awaken…
Create unshakeable clarity on your purpose and mission
Lead your life, love and intimacy from deeply grounded confidence
Be fully seen and supported by your fellow wild men
Unapologetically uphold and honour your boundaries and “No”s
Actualise embodied healthy Masculine dominance and deep presence
Become a Sovereign man of power, honour, integrity and freedom
Your commitment…
A willingness to go deep in each of the circles and the vision quest, and an investment of £1477.
Heeding the call…
We will journey again in 2025.
This isn’t for every man… in this crazy modern world many are called but few respond to the call to adventure and the call of the wild. If you’re hearing the call, register your interest to be the first to know when we open for enrollment.
Or if you have any questions, drop us an email.
With so much love, honour and appreciation for you, my brother,

“I feel I must preface this testimonial by saying that whatever I type here doesn’t do Jonathan and Waking The Wild Masculine the justice he/it deserves. I was introduced to WTWM by mutual friends that completed this experience 6 months before me and assured me that it was one of the most powerful, healing experiences they had gone through. I was at first sceptical on what effect this would have on me, but life was seemingly gently pushing me towards taking part. Eventually Jonathan and I had a conversation and decided this would be the right time for me to undertake this journey. For context, I have been on a journey for a couple of years trying several things in the development sphere trying (desperately at times) to find some sense of purpose and peace in my life, but the effects rarely lasted after the acute highs wore off. I can confidently say that WTWM has been so incredibly life changing for me in so many areas of my life, most evident in the confidence I have gained in expressing the most genuine version of myself. The vision quest was quite easily the greatest challenge I have ever had to wilfully face, but the rewards were more than worth it. Weekly zoom sessions with the other participants helped me to unravel what was alive for me in those moments and together with the other men conclusions and aligned actions were made. I discovered things about myself that had been hidden away for years, and through recognising them was able to work through them with the help of the other men in the group and Jonathan’s heart-led guidance. I felt like I made genuine heartfelt connections with the other men in the group, and to see their unfolding was a pleasure to witness. Without going in to too much detail about my own journey I have found a new confidence that has lasted long after the last session. WTWM provided me with a strong ‘safety net’ that allows me to stay much more in control of my own life. I feel free to show myself to the world and to share my gifts, and although I have a way to go the course catapulted me upward like nothing else has. Finally, Jonathan is a wonderful man, he’s extremely thoughtful, knowledgeable and caring. He really opened his heart to my unfolding and was there for me throughout the course. I felt held when I needed to be, heard when I needed someone to listen and challenged when I didn’t see clearly. The memories I have from WTWM will stay with me forever and I am as ever, grateful.”
Jamie W