Mythical Mentoring
Become Your Soul’s Truth

Are one of the rare few who have been travelling the path of soul for many years, you have been in the deepest of work, journeyed through gauntlets - and your open heart, power, and level of awareness are testament to that.
And now you find yourself called to an even greater depth of your soul’s truth.
You may be feeling…
A heartfelt longing for more meaning, purpose and service - to become the unique gift you know your soul came here to be
An aching desire for more intimacy, authenticity and humility - to create your relationships from truth and love
A deep yearning for more connection with the land, community and Spirit - to reclaim your human birthright of belonging and union
And so, this is for you if…
You are the rarest of old souls, one who is truly ready to know yourself, do what your soul is asking of you to live your truth, no matter what it costs or requires of you.
This is living as myth.
Who we are
& why we created Mythical Mentoring…
We, Lian and Jonathan, co-founders, teachers, and guides at Be Mythical, have journeyed deeply into and through gauntlets of the soul for most of our lives (if not lifetimes).
For Lian, it was terrifying hallucinations, chronic pain, panic attacks, and undiagnosed (and therefore misunderstood) autism...
Lian’s childhood was an unusually wild one… raised by a single father, back-packing the hippy trail across Morocco and Ibiza.
Then painful experiences bumping up against societal structures meant she spent most of her adult life trying to fit her wild, autistic, magical Round Peg soul into the tame, mundane and soul-less Square Hole of our culture.
Her mythical journey truly began when she was ruptured open to Spirit with the sudden death of her father – which led to her mysteriously recovering from 15 years of chronic pain and anxiety.
That inexplicable transformation inspired her to leave the corporate world to immerse herself in discovering what creates pain and struggle, and conversely, how to liberate ourselves to create an enchanted life overflowing with Love, Magic, Beauty and Truth.
Lian’s lifelong work is the soul expression of Unity, The Incandescent Chalice, which is the embodiment of the archetypal Divine Feminine well of complete receptivity and unconditional love, devoted to Union.
And for Jonathan, it was chronic health conditions for most of his life….
Jonathan is a sage of our time, someone who was born to ask the deep questions and then was thrust into a life of great suffering and challenge in order to answer them.
For much of his life, he’s journeyed with debilitating health conditions that modern medicine had no diagnosis or cure for. This led Jonathan to dedicate over two decades to a mythical quest of discovering wisdom from throughout the ages, uncovering the disconnection from that ancient wisdom which is behind almost all of the issues in today’s culture, including the profoundly negative impact that has on the human animal’s ability to thrive in this modern world.
His capacity for deeply seeing others, especially Magical Ones, allows him to illuminate what someone’s soul has come here to be, what is required for them to become it, and then to guide them into the actualisation of their deepest gifts with great reverence and sacredness.
Jonathan is devoted to the work of the soul expression of Lion Heart, Servant of God, an embodiment of the archetypal Divine Masculine in deep service to Love, Truth, Power and Grace.
And so like all old souls, there was a sacred perfection in our own unique experiences, challenges, and wounds…
What we shared - and again, this is almost always the case for old souls - was that although we had both created success of sorts in the ‘real world’, we had simultaneously spent many decades feeling misunderstood, confused, and unclear about who we really were, or our true purpose. And yet, all along…
We both held a deep knowing that our souls had come here to fulfil a calling.
By the time we met at a retreat in 2014, we had both separately begun to find our feet on our soul paths, had discovered the solutions to some of our most painful challenges, and were taking the first steps to guide others in finding a way back to health and happiness, in the holistic and unshamedly spiritual ways that we each had.
We soon realised that we were doing similar things separately and were meant to come together to create what has gone through many evolutions to now become Be Mythical.
We soon understood that coming together wasn’t only about co-creating an organisation, it was about having the kinship and support to go to the depths of our souls, and have a clear mirror held up to show us what we couldn’t see - both the shadows and the gifts.
We realised Old Souls can’t do this alone, we need the guidance, kinship and support of others…
This is the way.
Since then, we have both journeyed deep into our Sacred Wounds, found the ancient maps that hold the answers to today’s most challenging questions, and in doing so have become our unique soul’s medicine.
We discovered that our own medicine, together in a Sacred Union of Masculine and Feminine, creates a uniquely potent crucible for alchemy - one of Love and Truth - and provides the ancient answer, once lost but now reclaimed and rendered anew for these times of upheaval, to the questions in the longing hearts of old souls.
We are here to serve those old souls who are ready, despite the incredible challenges of these times, to heed that most sacred of calls to discover their calling, uncover their unique gifts, become their medicine and live their soul’s myth… And we created Mythical Mentoring as the work, the path, and the crucible that brings all of those precious soul strands together.
For over a decade now, we have guided many souls on their path…
is it time for you?

Why this?
Given you’ve already been deep in transformative, spiritual, and healing work for many years… why Mythical Mentoring?
Mythical Mentoring stands apart by offering a bespoke crucible for your personal alchemy, created in a way that is unique to you and your old soul, harnessing ancient time-honoured traditions, and guiding you through the most powerful of soul initiations.
The power of 3: You will be part of a Mythical Trinity which weaves together the unique power and gifts of Lian, Jonathan and of course, you, working seamlessly together as an uniquely potent Trinity fully devoted to your soul’s evolution.
Fully bespoke: Mythical Mentoring is a meticulously crafted crucible for your alchemy, tailored in a way that allows us to delve into the profound depths of your unique soul.
Your truth: Unlike conventional approaches that often focus on changing behavior and achieving culturally conditioned results, Mythical Mentoring works at the deepest level, illuminating what has been hidden and distorted, so that whatever you create is an expression of your soul’s truth.
For old souls: We understand the specific - and so often misunderstood - needs, gifts, and challenges of old souls - which includes those with neurodivergences. This means we offer a rare sanctuary where you can be fully seen and understood, your fears (including those from past lives or other realms) met with compassion, your unique challenges met with wisdom, and your rare and precious medicinal gifts illuminated and actualised.
Ancient ways: Mythical Mentoring draws on the breadth and depth of timeless spiritual traditions, such as shamanism, alchemy, nature-based practices, astrology, and Kabbalah, weaving this ancient wisdom deeply into your life so you can harness it in the practical, potent ways that this modern world is calling for.
Soul Initiations: We will guide you through initiations of the soul, based on sacred rites of passage that have stood the test of time, taking you to the depths of your soul in the way that nothing else can.
Our unique approach works at the deepest levels to create profound and lasting healing, change, and union, supporting and guiding you to live your ancient soul’s myth in this modern world.
Simply put, living fully so you can die complete…
The greatest gift of a lifetime.

How your mythical quest
will unfold…
You will embark on a deeply personal mythical quest, uniquely tailored to your soul's journey and the myth you are here to actualise.
Your journey will be woven through deeply intimate sessions with Lian and Jonathan, blending their individual gifts and embodied experience to guide you through bespoke, soul-centered experiences and initiations.
You'll also join a community of fellow old souls in our Academy, UNIO, receive an illuminating Oracle Session with our powerfully intuitive Seer, Sara J Sanderson, as well as enter further Soul Initiations - such as shamanic healing and vision quests - should they be aligned.
“But don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth…”
Why now..?
There are the usual, practical reasons such as “places are limited” (yes, places are intentionally limited as Lian and Jonathan only work privately with a handful of people each year so that they can prioritise you with their energy and focus) and that “it will take you longer to do this alone” (although it’s actually incredibly challenging, even impossible, to do this work alone, so ‘longer’ may mean lifetimes) - that are true but they aren’t the truest, deepest reasons, which are these…
If you’re hearing the call of your soul to go deeper into your truth, and you choose not to heed it now, as you already know: the call keeps on calling. You’re already past the point of return, and will be dragged kicking and screaming to heed the call in some way, at some point.
Or, you already know all too well the deep hidden price you pay for not heeding the call of your soul, and so you know you are going to heed it and meet the Material for Liberation it contains, one way or another.
So why now?
Because you already know you’ll heed the call of your soul...
This way, you’re consciously, sovereignly choosing to honour what you’re being called into and you’ll have our uniquely honed support and guidance to courageously meet and journey through whatever gauntlets arise.

Who you will become…
You will discover your personal myth that your soul came for in this lifetime - the symbols, the myths, and maybe most of all, the soul name that you will live into
You will activate the ancient archetypes that you are destined to embody in your own unique way
You will connect deeply with the spirits and deities that are your allies and teachers, who will empower and guide you in unimaginable ways
You will reclaim your power from the soul loss, wounding and conditioning that has shaped and limited you in ways that you are now outgrowing
You will step fully into the mythical life… the path, the relationships, the potent medicinal work… that is your heart’s deepest longing
Or simply put…
You will become whoever and whatever is true for your soul in order to live fully and die complete.

Heeding the call…
If you’re feeling the call to live your soul’s myth and you’re willing to honour it, the next step is to book a call with us to illuminate your soul’s truth and reveal what is aligned.
Mythical Mentoring
Mythical Mentoring
which includes:
Twelve 1:1 sessions
(2 each month, alternating between Lian & Jonathan)
Weekly check-in via messenger
An Oracle Session with our Soul Guide & Seer, Sara J Sanderson
Membership to UNIO, our Academy of the Soul
Additional Soul Initiations such as vision quests & shamanic healing can be arranged, if aligned, at an additional investment
The Complete Constellation
12-months Mythical Mentoring, Soul Initiations & much more
which includes:
Twenty-four 1:1 sessions
(2 each month, alternating between Lian & Jonathan)Weekly check-in via messenger
Oracle Sessions with our Soul Guide & Seer, Sara J Sanderson
Membership to UNIO, our Academy of the Soul
Potent Trinity Sessions:
Three exclusive Trinity Sessions (only available with the Complete Constellation) with both Lian & Jonathan
Priority accessInclusive & priority access to intimate group crucibles with limited space, such as The Rose Quest or Mythical Masculine
The complete constellation of Soul Initiations:
Vision Quest
(in person with Jonathan in Ibiza)Medicine Ceremony
(in person in the UK)Microdosing guidance
Shamanic healing with Lian
(in person in the UK)
Your commitment…
A willingness to go where your myth calls you.
Mythical Mentoring is the deepest, most intimate, and most powerfully life-changing work it’s possible to enter with us, therefore entering this crucible requires all five levels of commitment – emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically and financially – this means that the investments you make are non-refundable.
Please note, travel expenses and accommodation either side of your soul initiations aren’t included.