How to use magic to create the life your heart desires

This week's show is with JP Morgan, JP guides creators in being more powerful in every area of their life and work.

The entrepreneurs and artists he coaches all share an aspiration for excellence and an obsession with mastery. Through regular loving and confronting dialogue, which compliments their daily practice of self-cultivation, JP’s clients discover how their mind creates their world and how through surrender they can gain greater control, more fulfilment and exponential results in their life and work.

In its essence, JP Morgan has been supporting entrepreneurs and artists around the world since the late 90’s, though this work became his profession in 2010. Since then, he has supported numerous individuals in growing their peace, joy and success in the world through growing themselves.

Beyond his the daily work with clients, he has been invited to share his ideas and spirit on numerous stages. (TEDx, Global Citizens Forum, BBC & SkyTV, YES Group, Interesting Talks London, InsideOut Movement, METal International, educational institutions, etc.) At a private event, attended by many of the world’s billionaires, JP was invited to speak on creating a world world without borders. At the University of Cambridge, he was the subject of a covert study between the psychology and business departments where researchers sought to understand the impact of his state of being. He leads a team of Creating Champions who teach, coach, and guide thousands of entrepreneurs and artists in being more free, loving, and powerful. By learning and embodying the Creating perspective, their clients achieve a union of outcomes in spiritual growth, material success, and social impact.

Previous to his current work with leaders, and post formal studies in Physics and Mathematics, JP founded a real estate business and then (from a backpack) founded a web media company serving local and global non-profits. He has lived nomadically while travelling the world for three years, developed real estate, traveled the world for years on end, coached human rights leaders, recorded albums & toured with his band, created a kids library in Cambodia, learned to scuba dive & pilot gliders, published writing and photography, competed as a black belt & triathlete, trained with Buddhist monks in India, cycled toured for months and many other adventures. In recent years, his adventures have turned inward as his family came to be. 

In 2013, in the Riveria Maya, JP married a wise, loving and beautiful British-Indian woman. In March of 2016 they gave birth to their first child, a boy. Today, he and his wife now reside with their two young boys in the countryside at 4000′ on a mountain in Maui. 

In this conversation, JP and I explored magic, the way our paths have unfolded over the past two years, the magical principles we've seen and tangible examples of how we both create our life with magic.

I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation… please leave a comment below.

What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • JP's description of magic is the surrender to a world of correlation as causation... everything is entangled. Magic is about allowing yourself to have a myth and to have it do its work on you and your life. He also described magic as conversations with people, conversations with the self, and that those conversations creates our world, not just experience, but our actual world.

  • Something important we touched on is that living magically doesn't mean we are fixed rigidly at all times on our vision, a magical life is a welcoming of the swing back and forth from fear to our vision.

  • I absolutely loved how JP described how he prioritises the means over the end, the "means" meaning the way he creates his life magically. For me too it's become the only way I want to live.

Resources and stuff that we spoke about:

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Lian & Jonathan


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