How to raise children with a magical perspective on life

This week’s show is with John Patrick Morgan. John Patrick is a Philosopher and Champion for Being whose life purpose is to serve the one person in front of him, right here and right now. To see them fully, to create who they are and to make a meaningful difference for them honestly and completely.

He leads a team of Creating Champions who teach, coach, and guide thousands of entrepreneurs and artists in being more free, loving, and powerful. By learning and embodying the Creating perspective, their clients achieve a union of outcomes in spiritual growth, material success, and social impact. The foundation of John Patrick Morgan’s role as a philosopher, teacher, and guide, is his being a real-world practitioner. He walks his talk, lives what he teaches, and has a genuine and powerful commitment to creating everybody.

Post his formal studies in Physics and Mathematics, John Patrick built multiple small businesses (including one from a laptop and a backpack before the term ‘digital nomad’ existed), developed real estate, traveled the world for years on end, coached human rights leaders, recorded albums & toured with his band, created a kids library in Cambodia, learned to scuba dive & pilot gliders, published writing and photography, competed as a black belt & triathlete, trained with Buddhist monks in India, cycled toured for months and many other adventures. In recent years, his adventures have turned inward as his family came to be. He and his wife now reside with their two young boys in the countryside at 4000′ on a mountain in Maui.

Beyond his the daily work with clients, he has been invited to share his ideas and spirit on numerous stages. (TEDx, Global Citizens Forum, BBC & SkyTV, YES Group, Interesting Talks London, InsideOut Movement, METal International, educational institutions, etc.) At a private event, attended by many of the world’s billionaires, JP was invited to speak on creating a world world without borders. At the University of Cambridge, he was the subject of a covert study between the psychology and business departments where researchers sought to understand the impact of his state of being.

In this conversation, a part two to our last episode about magic, John Patrick and I explored the topic of magic when it comes to children - how we can parent in a way that both allows children to retain their natural sense of magic and possibility, and at the same time, gives them an understanding of what we might call our cultural "agreed upon reality", holding both lightly as we do. We spoke about all kinds of examples, including personal stories from our own families.

I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation… please leave a comment below.


What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • I loved the example of dragons and dinosaurs that JP gave - this is such a great metaphor for how we can hold and teach so many things to our children.

  • Whether we're talking about a rational reality or a magical one - there's benefit in holding both lightly with the openness to possibility, knowing that we don't know what we don't know.

  • Children are naturally very open to magic and archetypes, in the form of role-playing super heroes, our role is to help them to continue to stay open to magic so that one day they can create with it as adults

Resources and stuff that we spoke about:

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Lian & Jonathan


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