How alignment, fear and attunement show up in high sensation experiences for personal growth

This week's show is with Arielle Brown. Arielle Brown is a well known Intimacy Coach, Embodiment Guide and an Alignment Mentor. She is a teacher, facilitator, and ceremonialist specializing in energetic alignment, relational alchemy, and authentic communication skills.

Arielle Brown guides visionary entrepreneurs, leaders, and creators towards embodying their full authentic self in leadership through healing and reclaiming disowned or suppressed aspects of their sexuality. Arielle's work is in service to helping humanity come into right relationship with truth and power–and in particular how we wield those life-giving forces in love and leadership–which ultimately begins with re-establishing our inherent connection to the Sacred. The private mentorship, mastermind, and membership containers Arielle holds create powerful, connected, and compassionate spaces to release distorted ways of relating with Self and Other rooted in shame, fear, scarcity, and self-abandonment, so we can be embodied blueprints leading the way in love for the world we wish to create.

In this conversation, Arielle and I explored the role of high sensation experiences in service of personal growth. What kinds of experiences they are, the reasons for choosing them and what they can bring in terms of both wanted and unwanted impacts, and how we can become more conscious of our choices.

We’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation… please leave a comment below or share in our fb group.

What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • High sensation experiences include taking part in medicine ceremonies, experiences that expand our relationship to our sexuality, and high cost mentoring containers.

  • Whilst sometimes high sensation experiences can be completely aligned, there are times when they can be chosen from a fearful need for looking cool, not to be left out, or to meet someone else’s expectations or desires.

  • When choosing into high sensation experiences, being able to make the most of the opportunity they present and create the integration afterwards, it is hugely beneficial to have a deep devotion to staying attuned to our nervous system, really listening to what we feel and what we need.

Resources and stuff that we spoke about:

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Lian & Jonathan


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