The ancient efficacy of magic in healing and change-work - Ryan Simbai Jenkins

This week’s show is with Ryan Simbai Jenkins, a hypnotherapist and coach with an unusual upbringing.

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He was born in Papua New Guinea*, and his first experiences with non-traditional ways of healing came early on in life when his mother (a medical anthropologist) discovered a “lost” indigenous tribe called the Hagahai people. Ryan witnessed first hand how the tribal healers and shamans used forms of Trance to heal people from diseases of the body and mind. This profoundly influenced the course of his life.

This led to an intense fascination and deep study and practice of meditation, self-hypnosis, NLP, shamanism, ceremonial Magick and the many varied psychological modalities of personal development. His love of this field comes from the profound personal transformations he regularly experiences in his own life and those of his clients.

In this show, Ryan and Lian explored the topic of magic and its relationship to change work.

They first define what they even mean by ‘magic, discussing different definitions of magic, including Alastair Crowley's and past guest Daniel Ingram.

Then they delve into the practicality and efficacy of magic, drawing on personal experiences and indigenous and traditional perspectives. They make the distinction between working spiritually and working magically, and the power of consciously aligning ourselves with the flow of healing. The conversation also touches on the integration of science and magic, the significance of ritual, and the invitation to experiment and explore magic in healing and change work.

We’d love to know what YOU think about this week’s show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below.

What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • There is a distinction between ordinary magic and extraordinary magic, with the latter involving causal effects beyond what is considered ordinary cause and effect.

  • Magic has practical applications and has played a role in human survival and shaped our existence for most of human history, which is why indigenous perspectives offer valuable insights into the understanding and practice of magic.

  • You can consciously align yourself with the flow of healing and explore magic both for yourself and in change work with others, beginning with creating simple rituals and seeing what changes you notice compared to how things usually go, and creating a relationship with nature, such as connecting with a certain tree.

Resources and stuff Lian spoke about:

* At the time of this podcast show being shared Papau New Guinea has experienced an unimaginable disaster - a catastrophic landslide in Enga Province occurred on Friday 24 May 2024, with an estimated 2000 people killed and thousands more displaced. If you are in a position to help by donating, this is the link Ryan gave us to share:

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Thank you!
Lian & Jonathan


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