How to love the unlovable: The story of The Lindworm - Lian Brook-Tyler

All The Everything is Lian’s monthly solo show where she often shares what she’s been creating, consuming, and celebrating before diving deep into a topic inspired or chosen by members of the Be Mythical fb group.

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Transcript is here: episode457transcript

The LIVE making of the show is recorded in our Facebook group and for the first 30mins before Lian hits the record button you are invited to a pre-show party to get up close and personal with Lian and have your questions on the month’s topic answered.

To receive a reminder of when the pre-show party and LIVE making of All The Everything is happening, make sure you’re subscribed to our email list and are a member of the Facebook group. All the details you need are HERE!

In this show, Lian tells the story of the Lindworm, setting the stage for a shamanic and alchemical journey through the tale.

Spoiler alert! The story of the Lindworm follows a prince's quest for a bride, which becomes entangled with the monstrous Lindworm's demand to be married first.

The tale explores themes of infertility, wisdom, rejection, regression, the power of love, and union, and Lian invites listeners to enter the story in a way that allows for these symbols to be revealed in their own psyches and lives to create illumination, understanding, and healing.

We’d love to know what YOU think about this week’s show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below.

What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • The telling of a story is an alchemical process that brings the tale to life and allows for personal interpretation and reflection, as Joseph Campbell said “A myth is something that has never happened, but is happening all the time.”

  • The Lindworm shows the consequences of rejecting and neglecting unwanted aspects of oneself, leading to regression and monstrous manifestations. As Jung said “Every part of us we do not love will regress and become more primitive”

  • The Lindworm is emblematic of the journey of individuation, healing, and inner union - and what’s required for that to occur, including the role of wisdom and intuition in guiding one's actions and decisions, and the transformative power of love and acceptance in healing and uniting fragmented parts of the self.

Resources and stuff Lian spoke about:

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Thank you!
Lian & Jonathan


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