How to (and why) ‘microdose’ with reverence and ritual - Sara interviews Lian

This week’s show is a special one in which Be Mythical Soul Guide Sara J. Sanderson interviewed Lian about microdosing in a way that brings consciousness, reverence and ritual to the relationship with the teacher plant concerned.

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Transcript is here: episode459transcript

Lian and Sara begin by exploring the usually stated benefits of microdosing, such as reducing anxiety and stress, and opening up creativity, then delve into the deeper question of why microdosing might have these effects.

They then talk the importance of developing a conscious relationship with the teacher plant, the difference between transactional and conscious relationships and the unique nature of each individual's relationship with the teacher plant.

The conversation concludes with a reflection on the purpose of microdosing, within the context of doing the Great Work of individuation and union.

We’d love to know what YOU think about this week’s show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below.

What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • Microdosing has known benefits such as reducing anxiety and stress and enhancing creativity but when we enter a conscious relationship with the teacher plant concerned we might open to deeper benefits.

  • Each individual's relationship with the teacher plant is unique and requires conscious awareness and intention - when we work with ritual, we begin a conversation with the teacher plant concerned, the first steps of creating a conscious relationship.

  • Working with teacher plants is a gift that requires deep respect and a willingness to do the work, which includes taking action on the guidance received… And of course, the purpose of doing this work goes far beyond reducing stress or increasing creativity… It is to illuminate, heal, live out our unique myth, and experience union.

Resources and stuff they spoke about:

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Thank you!
Lian & Jonathan


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