The Rose Quest
Becoming the Chalice
A shamanic alchemical journey of
Complete Receptivity

…a rare woman who has already activated the archetypal imprints of the Queen, Lover, Wild Woman and Wise Woman in your blood and bones, and are now hearing the haunting call of the Mythical Feminine to journey deeper into the most hidden, chthonic mysteries of the Goddess.
You are feeling the wordless, womb-deep call into the union of Sex & Spirit, the Masculine & the Feminine, meaning…
You are here for the luminous heights of the spiritual and also the luscious depths of the sensual.
You are here to be a vessel for the Goddess, to receive the Masculine in his many forms, as the womb of Binah receives the lance of Chokmah, and from which all of creation flows.
Your life is devoted to sacred service.
Your North Star is Spirit.

Your Teachers…
Lian Brook-Tyler, Archetypal Embodiment Teacher and Shamanic Healer. Over the past decade, I have guided hundreds of women into the depths of their most dreaded, hidden, precious, potent truth - their Soul Medicine for themselves and the world.
The archetypal Temple Priestess (AKA the Sacred Prostitute) - the fully receptive chalice in devotion to Divine Union.
And of course, the Rose - a mythic symbol of the Feminine, an ancient teacher plant, and a powerful spirit of beauty, love, and unity.

Why enter
The Rose Quest…?
This is no ordinary journey of Feminine reclamation, and to be clear, that is not a dismissal… That journey is utterly vital for almost all women, and certainly to venture on before one is ready for this quest.
The Rose Quest takes us into the deepest heart of the Rose to drink the medicine of the Temple Priestess.
Who is the Temple Priestess?
She is an ancient archetype deeply intertwined with the mysteries of sensuality, healing, transformation, and spiritual union.
In the temples of goddesses such as Inanna, Ishtar, Aphrodite, and Hathor, it is said the priestesses who embodied this archetype were revered as conduits between the earthly and the divine, conducting rituals that honoured the cycles of life, death, and rebirth. As vessels for the Divine Feminine, they used both their spiritual and sensual gifts in sacred service, healing and guiding others towards the union of the Masculine and Feminine, body and spirit.
But today and for most of us called to it, The Temple Priestess Path is not necessarily or only about serving others… It is a path of soul reclamation, maturation and union.
Those who resonate with this archetype are called to look at their remaining wounds and even collective shadow, especially around spirituality, sensuality, intimacy, and power, and by doing so, they bring themselves, and perhaps others, towards union.
The Temple Priestess is a rare, possibly the only archetype that brings the extremes of the sensual and spiritual together in service of union, the complete receptivity that is needed for that, and in doing so, provides a crystal clear, magnifying mirror of what our souls chose in this lifetime, the ways we will shudder and recoil from it, and what’s needed to alchemise and actualise that.
She guides us to our still unseen, untended wounds - both sensual and spiritual.
She shows us the ways we close to or grasp for money, men, power, security, success, validation, soul, and Spirit - perhaps way more subtly than most, and certainly more subtly than we used to - hence needing a magnifying mirror to reflect them.
She calls us to the collective taboos and shadows - that tell us that the energetic waters she swims in can only be transactional, extractive, objectifying, and manipulative - and that we are here to help bring healing balm to.
She opens us to the utterly unreasonable receptivity that we came here for. I could write pages or even books on this alone but for now I’ll say, it is this complete receptivity that’s the most profoundly transcendent, deeply transformative, and yet, gentle medicine - and that maybe she alone can do this.
She illuminates the ways we can bring her rare and precious medicine, which is our own soul’s expression of her medicine, into our relationships and vocation.
And the Rose…
We will be working shamanically with the Rose… Using modern parlance, we will be microdosing, macrodosing, and everything between and beyond, and using more ancient language, we will be invoking the Spirit of the Rose.
This circle of women will experience the Rose as the loving, wise, and powerful teacher plant she truly is.
So why enter The Rose Quest?
Because for a woman who is ready for the initiation into the deepest depths of the Feminine, this is what it requires.
How we will quest…
In this quest (which is also only the beginning of what will almost certainly become a lifetime’s devotion), our souls’ golden threads will journey together into the unique tapestry of shamanism, kabbalah, tarot, astrology, and alchemy intricately woven together for this three month crucible.
We will circle (virtually) for shamanic healing, invocation, teaching, and soul sharing:
Between the circles, you will be guided into ceremony and ritual, contemplation, sensual Feminine practices, archetypal dance, and creative expression.
You will also have a private dedicated space in our Academy of the Soul, UNIO in which you can share how you’re journeying with your sisters.
This quest is so rich and full because this is the depth of devotion required to journey into the secrets of Temple Priestess and the hidden mysteries of the Rose… and to be ready and worthy of receiving them.

Heeding her call…
The Rose Quest is certainly not for every woman… only you will know if you are one of the few truly ready for the depth of devotion required for this quest. (And you don’t need anyone to tell you the deep hidden price you will pay for not heeding Her call when it comes.)
The Rose Quest
Payment plans are available
Guidance into ceremony and ritual, contemplation, sensual Feminine practices, archetypal dance, and creative expression throughout the three month quest
Circles for healing, invocation, teaching and soul-sharing
A dedicated private space in which to share
A Kabbalah Astrology reading of your unique alignment and path to working with the Temple Priestess
If She is calling your name, drop it below, and we’ll let you know when her petals open again in Spring 2025…