The Rose Quest
Becoming the Chalice

A 7-week shamanic alchemical journey of Receptivity


…a rare woman who has already activated the archetypal imprints of the Queen, Lover, Wild Woman and Wise Woman in your blood and bones, and are now hearing the haunting call of the Mythical Feminine to journey deeper into the most hidden, chthonic mysteries of the Goddess.

Your Teachers…

Lian Brook-Tyler, Archetypal Embodiment Teacher and Shamanic Healer. Over the past decade, I have guided hundreds of women into the depths of their most dreaded, hidden, precious, potent truth - their Soul Medicine for themselves and the world.

The archetypal Temple Priestess (AKA the Sacred Prostitute) - the fully receptive chalice in devotion to Divine Union.

And of course, the Rose - a mythic symbol, an ancient teacher plant, and a powerful spirit of beauty, love, and unity.

How we will quest…

In this quest (which is also only the beginning of what will almost certainly become a lifetime’s devotion), our souls’ golden threads will journey together into the unique tapestry of shamanism, kabbalah, tarot, astrology, and alchemy intricately woven together for this 7-week crucible.

  • We will circle (virtually) six times for shamanic healing, invocation, teaching, and soul sharing:

    • Week 1 - Opening ceremony: 7th October 2:15pm - 3:45pm (UK time)

    • Week 2 - Circle: 14th October 2:15pm - 3:45pm (UK time)

    • Week 3 - Circle: 21st October 2:15pm - 3:45pm (UK time)

    • Week 4 - Entering the temple (no circle this week)

    • Week 5 - Circle: 4th November 2:15pm - 3:45pm (UK time)

    • Week 6 - Circle: 11th November 2:15pm - 3:45pm (UK time)

    • Week 7 - Closing ceremony: 18th November 2:15pm - 3:45pm (UK time)

  • Between the circles, you will be guided into ceremony and ritual, contemplation, sensual Feminine practices, archetypal dance, and creative expression.

  • You will also have a private dedicated space in our Academy of the Soul, UNIO in which you can share how you’re journeying with your sisters. 

This quest is so rich and full because this is the depth of devotion required to journey into the secrets of Temple Priestess and the hidden mysteries of the Rose… and to be ready and worthy of receiving them.

Heeding her call…

Places for The Rose Quest are limited, and I don’t know if or when I will be called to open it again.

The Rose Quest is certainly not for every woman… only you will know if you are one of the few truly ready for the depth of devotion required for this quest. (And you don’t need anyone to tell you the deep hidden price you will pay for not heeding Her call when it comes.)

The Rose Quest


Discounts for UNIO members
& payment plans are available

  • 7 weeks quest - we begin 7th October 2024

  • 6 virtual circles for healing, invocation, teaching and soul-sharing:
    7th October 2.15PM (UK time), weekly (except 28th Oct) until 18th November

  • A dedicated private space in which to share

  • Guidance into ceremony and ritual, contemplation, sensual Feminine practices, archetypal dance, and creative expression

  • A Kabbalah Astrology reading of your unique alignment and path to working with the Temple Priestess

If She is calling your name, arrange to speak to Lian to explore whether it’s time for you to enter Her temple…

"For I am the first and the last.
I am the honored one and the scorned one.
I am the whore and the holy one.
I am the wife and the virgin.
I am (the mother) and the daughter…
I am the silence that is incomprehensible
and the idea whose remembrance is frequent.
I am the voice whose sound is manifold
and the word whose appearance is multiple.
I am the utterance of my name.
The Thunder, Perfect Mind
The Nag Hammadi Library