7 things I’ve learned from 7 years running my (soul-led) business

Written by Lian Brook-Tyler

  1. To create a business, a real business – the beautiful, fantastical, edgy af, playful and love-fuelled one that your soul is inconveniently calling you to – takes time. Time to hear your soul’s call, time to find the courage to heed it and then a lot more time than you believe at the start that you can or will give it before it ‘works’.

  2. And then a few years in, you realise there’s no alternative to giving it as long as it takes… after all, this was a soul choice… it’s your very life on the line and therefore it might well take a lifetime.

  3. You will spend several years thinking you’re missing something, maybe a funnel, a new coaching methodology or a better niche, until gradually it dawns on you that the only thing that’s missing is you.

  4. Which brings us to… when you finally dare to strip bare, dropping the mask, losing the armour and revealing your heart… something incredible happens, it all finally starts to work. It looks like magic (it is… *your* magic).

  5. And then the projections come. The more you reveal yourself, the more impact you have and the more people will project on you – positively and negatively. I’m a Divine Queen to some and a Drama Queen to others. The font of all knowledge to some, a know-it-all to others. Sovereignty is being in deep relationship to all of it, knowing it’s all material for your liberation, whilst knowing it was never about you anyway.

  6. Finally you’re *there*… six figures, multiple six figures, seven figures, or whatever the amount of Monopoly money you needed to play with to realise that the material girl in a material world is a gloriously clever, creative part of you but still, only a very small part.

  7. Then you see that you can be, do and have anything.

You make it look so sick-makingly, ridiculously, enviably easy because by this point you’re playing the game, knowing it’s a game and that you’re the table, the board, the playing pieces, the player, your opponents and the games designer. And if there’s a designer of the games designer, you’re that too. So you create that game however you darn well fancy.

Maybe it’s in a pink and turquoise rose print, accessorised with speckled feathers you found on your walk and with a drinks machine dispensing cocktails or Assam tea depending on your mood.

With a magical chair with just the right mix of wild and sumptuous, say oak and velvet, that gives anyone who sits in it a taste of their own divinity and at the same time, welcomes every bit of the soft animal of their humanity.

Which of course, they’ll pedestalise you for and demonise you for.

And you just keep loving them anyway, making art and playing your game (which is all really the exact same thing)… what else is there to do?

Then you realise that it’s what your soul was saying all those years ago at #1.

Coming up in 2021 there will be more ways that you can walk the path of Waking The Wild. It’s going to be an epic year of Soul, Myth & Magic if we have anything to do with it! To find out more go to: Go deeper – Primal Happiness –


A homage to the hidden and often misunderstood precious gold of projections


Why I write about my fear, doubts & uncertainty