Why I write about my fear, doubts & uncertainty

Written by Lian Brook-Tyler

Most of what I write about is what’s shown up several times in recent conversations and then I feel a tug to write about it.

Once the tug has been acknowledged, I often feel resistance to honouring it because I know it will require outing something that I’ve kept hidden from others – and also often from myself – and usually for very good reason.

And that’s how I know it’s exactly what I need to write about. For my readers’ sake, yes, I’m often told how reassuring and hopeful it is to read about my less-than-glossy aspects… but it’s for my own good too.

The more our shadows are exposed to light the less they can have a hold on us. It’s like the quote of Jung’s that I constantly quote/misquote:

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

(I actually think I can quote it perfectly these days but I still apologise and stumble over it because I don’t trust myself after I’ve spent so many years butchering it!)

But it’s important to be clear that shining light on our shadows doesn’t mean helplessly wallowing around in them, clutching at others to reassure us that they’re not true or making ourselves wrong for them, it means creating the sovereign elevation to see our fearful patterns with perspective and from there to lovingly welcome back the scared, ashamed part of ourselves.

I may not always spell that out but it’s exactly what’s happening when I write.

I’m sharing my most hidden, fearful, embarrassing parts of myself with you as an act of bringing awareness, love and often levity to them.

Like “Oh there you are, sweet darling, I see you’ve been doing your funny thing. And it’s OK, all is welcome. You’re safe now.”

So what I’m really doing when I write about my mess and mishaps is loving myself back home. Knowing in doing so, that you’re being given an invitation to love yourself back home too.

Coming up in 2021 there will be more ways that you can walk the path of Waking The Wild. It’s going to be a epic year of Soul, Myth & Magic if we have anything to do with it! To find out more got to: Go deeper – Primal Happiness – 


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