The things you wish for… are you ready to run your gauntlet?

The Gauntlet

People often say to me “I wish I could do [insert thing I appear to do easily ] like you.”

The things they wish for range from creating content like podcasts and fb posts to how I enrol, coach and teach.

The truth is NONE of those things have come easily for me even though all of them are sourced from my deepest gifts.

I’m naturally adept at speaking directly to people’s wild souls, manifesting exactly what I desire in a way that looks like magic (maybe because it is), seeing people’s deepest gifts, understanding complex patterns and articulating all of those things in the spoken and written word… they are all aspects of my deepest gifts.

What’s made it incredibly challenging for me is:

  1. I worry about what people think of me… it’s only very recently that it’s felt safe for me to be seen in anything close to my full power.

  2. I doubt my abilities a lot… It’s taken most of my life to even begin to accept my deepest gifts (I see other’s much more easily).

  3. I’ve struggled with a host of seemingly insurmountable difficulties, including being deaf for a decade and having chronic pain for 15 years (now both cured… as if by magic).

Those three fears – dragons in the Valley of Uncertainty – have made for a terrifying gauntlet to pass through (even now, I’m not yet out the other side).

So yes, whilst I’m appreciative of the gifts that allow me to do the things I do, I’d bet that even with those gifts, doing the things you envy me for has not come more easily to me than doing your Soul Work will for you.

You will have your own gifts and you will have your own gauntlet. I believe your gifts will be no less valuable than mine and that your gauntlet, whilst terrifying, is really no match for your wild soul.

The only question is… are you ready to run your gauntlet?

Coming up in 2021 there will be more ways that you can walk the path of Waking The Wild. It’s going to be a epic year of Soul, Myth & Magic if we have anything to do with it! To find out more got to: Go deeper

Art: Matthew Henry, Unsplash


Why I write about my fear, doubts & uncertainty

