By Lian Brook-Tyler

“I learned about the sacred art of self decoration with the monarch butterflies perched atop my head, lightning bugs as my night jewelry, and emerald-green frogs as bracelets.” Clarissa Pinkola Estés

…or when a dress isn’t just a dress

I’ve had at least six separate conversations with clients and students about sacred self decoration over the past week… none of those conversations were shallow and frivolous, all were deep, celebratory and archetypal.

The more we align ourselves with embodying who we came here to be, the more intentional we become about how we express ourselves, including how we adorn ourselves.

Whether that be the client choosing to spend several thousand pounds on a majestic sapphire ring because it is the perfect expression of the archetype of The Empress we’ve been working together for her to embody.

I never usually talk about my clients’ money successes (liberating someone to become who their soul desires to be is the only thing I get out of bed for) but let’s just say, she’s made more than enough to cover it this month, having doubled her envisioned income from when we began working together. I tell you this because this is a direct manifestation of her embodiment and expression in all the ways – poems, dresses, and now the ring – of The Empress.

Or another client who has been considering whether her oh-so-comfy free airline PJs are really aligned to the expression of her unique embodiment of the Queen archetype. The magnificent Queen who is creating sovereign success in the business she’s passionate about whilst simultaneously bringing her receptive, radiant power to her dating game.

Or me, finding a dressmaker to create the bespoke dresses in precisely the right cut, ethically-made fabrics and enchanting prints for the expression of the archetypes I’m called to embody. My devotion to those archetypes is at the heart of everything I do and is what allows me to create the beautiful, magical life I have… A life fit for a Goddess.

I wonder what’s aligned for the embodiment and expression of your soul… if it’s your favourite trackie bottoms and slogan tees, that’s perfect, if not… I invite you to contemplate what might it be.

Because it’s never really *just* a dress.


Art: Unreachable Gold by Luis Royo 


