By Lian Brook-Tyler

I’ve just been involved in a controversial thread in a fb group, where the poster talked about people “suffering from autism” and then deleted the post when autistic people explained why her wording was problematic – which sparked another post about her “dirty delete” which has also become conflict-fuelled.

Every autistic person will likely have a preference about how they’re referred to but it’s useful to know that as a community we find “autistic” rather than “with/has autism” to be more accurate and therefore helpful.

Autism as best we understand it at the moment is a divergent function of the pineal gland, causing it to create less melatonin whilst hypermetabolising endogenous DMT (yes DMT, the spirit molecule – pretty darn mystical, huh?) which can cause psychedelic effects (as it does in me) and increased neuroplasticity and neural connectivity.

I’ve just realised that was a super-autistic explanation (which is probably revealing in itself!) … in other words, autistic brains have a bunch of extra trippiness, neurons and connections compared to neurotypical brains.

Autism isn’t a limb or a trait… it’s not something that can be seen as separate and distinct from an autistic person, it is literally how we’re wired.

It sounds as strange to me to say a “person with autism” as it does a “person with American” or a “person with gay”.

See now why “She’s autistic” makes more sense?

I’m not here to police anyone’s language, the uniform isn’t my vibe, plus I’m a Magician so do what thou whilt… but if knowing this allows you to understand autism better and choose to speak about autistic people in a way that’s from Love and Truth – then for that I’m appreciative.

Art: Cloud of Black Leopards (part of a Lucid Dreaming exhibition which felt apt!) by Julie Bell 



