Ancestral work 💫
By Lian Brook-Tyler
One of the portals into self-illumination, which is one of the seven elements of the work of Waking The Wild, is making conscious ancestral (which is really archetypal) patterns and cycles.
Here is my great grandfather Reginald Arther Brock - I never met him, in fact I don’t think his daughter, my grandmother did either… that cycle of abandonment by the father was expressed over three generations on different sides of my family, until, in one of those acts that can heal whole lineages, my father returned and raised me himself.
As Jung famously said, in some of the most illuminating and therefore most quoted 17 words “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
If you learn your family’s stories with the intention to make the unconscious conscious, you can heal the wounds and re-direct your fate.
All my love and blessings ♥️
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