Are you an Old Soul?

By Lian Brook-Tyler

An old soul is an individual whose depth and wisdom seems to transcend their chronological age and life experiences.

Recognising yourself as one helps to shine a light on the particular gifts and challenges of being an old soul in this new world and understand the right path for you.

Here’s some of the ways you can tell if you’re an old soul…

1. Sensitive and Empathic: Old souls often possess a heightened sensitivity to the emotions and energies around them, making them attuned to subtle nuances in their environment, which can at times feel overwhelming.

2. Struggling with this Crazy Modern World: Old souls might experience challenges adapting to the fast-paced, technology-driven modern world, yearning for a slower-paced, authentic way of life.

3. Introspection: Old souls frequently engage in self-reflection, finding fulfilment in solitude and seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and their purpose.

4. Neurodivergence: Some old souls may be neurodivergent, finding unique perspectives, challenges and gifts in ADHD, autism, and other neurodivergences.

5. Love for Nature: A deep connection to animals and nature is common among old souls, they appreciate the beauty, timelessness, and sense of kinship.

6. Shamanic Sickness: Some old souls may experience an intense openness to spiritual energies. This heightened awareness may manifest in extreme physical, mental or emotional challenges, serving as a sign of the spirits initiating and calling them.

7. Interest in History: A deep appreciation for history, myths, legends, and ancient ways of life is characteristic of many old souls, they sometimes describe feeling ‘born in the wrong time’.

8. Strong Sense of Morality: Old souls often have a strong moral compass that is sometimes at odds with their family or culture’s beliefs, when they’re paying attention it guides their decisions with inner knowing.

9. Fascination with Magic: Old souls often feel a lifelong pull (and at times paired with avoidance and fear!) towards the esoteric arts such as astrology and tarot, animism, the supernatural, psychology, ancient wisdom, and natural medicine. They also often have strange, unexplainable experiences.

10. Feeling Misunderstood: Due to their unique perspectives and deep introspection, old souls may experience a sense of isolation or being misunderstood by those who don't share their depth of insight and unusual perspectives. This can lead to difficulties in forming connections with individuals who may not connect with their profound worldview.

11. Deep Sense of Purpose: Perhaps the clearest sign of an old soul is the sense that they came here for a specific reason, even if they’re not yet clear what it is. Whilst they may feel the pull to attend to material aspects of life such as creating a livelihood or raising children, they can’t dismiss the deeper call to something that lies beyond that.

If you resonate with the experiences above then come join us and other old souls… You aren’t meant to do this alone!

This week we open the doors to our new academy of the alchemical arts, which is created especially to guide and support old souls in this new world to meet your kin, be your unique medicine, and fulfil your own myth.

If you’re an alumni of any of our crucibles over the past 11 years, your special invitation will be winging its way to you *very* soon! (Please get in touch with me if you don’t see it in your inbox this week.)

If you're feeling the call to join us but you’re not an alumni, you’ll have the opportunity to join when we reopen the doors again soon (we are growing slowly in phases to be sure we co-create the best, deepest and most magical experience). To be the first to join us when doors reopen, register your name on the magical wait list.

My love and blessings as you unfold your own soul’s myth.

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