Reciprocity as activism ♥️

By Lian Brook-Tyler

The way my daughter moves from voraciously reading (currently the Throne of Glass series of fantasy novels) to devotionally creating from that inspiration is a beautiful reminder of how natural and necessary those cycles of receiving and giving, consuming and creating, are for humans if we are to be in right relationship with ourselves and the world around us, human and otherwise.

In this crazy modern world, we are so often conditioned into the shadows of these archetypal poles… Mindless productivity and mindless consumption.

For the old souls who came to earth now to rebirth our disconnected culture, it’s especially important that we pay attention to the ways we are still hooked into it.

Some questions I offer you to contemplate…

When did you last make an offering to thank your guides and allies - maybe your local land, the Spirit of the Mushroom or the Tarot - for helping, guiding and protecting you?

What is asking to be created through you, however strange or disruptive it feels?

When did you last receive the nurturing, healing or seeing gifts of another?

How are you holding back on sharing your own gifts?

Our rebirth will come through remembering the ancient art of reciprocity.


Art: My 13 year old daughter, Lady A 💫

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