By Lian Brook-Tyler

Our people are the wild ones, the misfits, the magical ones, the neurodivergents, the medicinal ones, the powerful leaders who model loving and truthful ways of living… they’re unique, of course, but the commonality they share is that they didn’t come here to fit neatly and politely into this culture, they came to shake things up… to either herald in new ways or to reclaim the ancient ways, sometimes both, and always aligned with their Soul’s True Will.


It can be a lonely, shadowy path to walk, filled with inadequacy, uncertainty and dead ends, but it doesn’t need to be that way – there are ways to journey with The Few, those rare people who are devoted to this soul-led, open-hearted sovereign way of being.


The next way to join us is through the portal of Waking The Wild Sovereign – it opens this November.


You will be guided, loved, activated, witnessed and celebrated as you illuminate and actualise the unique King or Queen you came here to be… one of The Few.


You already know if this is you, the only question is whether you’ll choose yourself. If you’re ready, let’s talk.



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Consent to be played with…


There is NO substitute for the deep work