Consent to be played with…

By Lian Brook-Tyler

For anyone caught up in trying to live life based on our culture’s conditions, it will feel meaningless and hard much of the time… for neurodivergents and magically-gifted people (often one and the same), this goes double.


But life is always inviting us to stop, look clearly and fall in love with its magic… it won’t force us though, it works on consent.


When we begin dreaming more, loving more (especially ourselves, and especially our darkest, weirdest parts), playing more, marvelling over synchronicities, creating what brings our hearts alive, wandering more, wondering more, taking only the action that’s aligned with our souls…. We’re giving consent for life to have its way with us, to pour magic into our moments.


Like I said, this is true for all of us but if you’re ND and especially wired for magic, life will keep trying it on because it knows what you won’t yet admit to yourself, not fully… that you have a burning hot desire for a magical life, because it’s the life you came here for.


I remember my shamanic teacher telling a story how Spirit is like the Mafia, it will keep returning to knock on your door, ever harder, ever more persuasive, until it gets the answer it wants, which btw, is YES. That was *exactly* my experience and I wouldn’t recommend holding out as long as I did… until Spirit comes on heavy.


Which is the deeper reason why if you’re made for magic, life won’t give up on you, until it’s time for you to leave it.


And it’s still up to you to give consent… or not.


P.S. our upcoming crucible Waking The Wild Sovereign is an incredibly potent way to give your consent for life to play magically with you… if you’re ready.



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