BEING is better than perfect

By Lian Brook-Tyler

People often ask me how I manage to fit it ALL in… the ceremonies, the circles, the rituals, the reading, the creating, the learning, the dancing… given I’m also a mother, wife, teacher, rescuer of ginger animals and much more.

It’s because I focus moment to moment on who I’m being.

Tonight for example, despite being completely aware that it was full moon earlier (hence this photo through the branches of our dear horse chestnut this afternoon), by the time I’d been to Kung Fu, it had slipped my mind.

I walked through the gate at 11pm, saw the moon and thought “Oh yes, it’s full moon… I haven’t done a ritual.”

So despite the fact it was late, cold, and I was tired from my first Kung fu session back after Christmas and Covid, I dropped everything. Literally… my car keys, my bag, my clothes, my trainers.

I stood naked under the moon’s beam, soaking up her numinosity, asking her to witness and bless my devotion, intentions and decree.

After a few minutes, I was complete, so I picked everything up and sauntered back into the house like I’d just driven home naked. By now, my family don’t bat an eye at the things I do.

It was far from a perfect full moon ritual but it was me being every last drop of who my soul came here to be. 

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Hello Darkness, my old friend


Living from soul since 2017