Living from soul since 2017

By Lian Brook-Tyler

There was a point, five years ago, when I consciously devoted myself to living from soul.

I declared it aloud to my coach.

It was one of the scariest choices I’ve made, not least because I didn’t really know what it meant or what it would require of me.

As it’s turned out, it’s made so many decisions since crystal clear and typically easy (but not always, sometimes soul requires real sacrifice).

You’ll know if you’re being called to this choice too… if you are then I want you to know that for me, despite it being a scary choice, it was the only choice, and it turns out… it was one of the best choices I’ve ever made.

This has truly been the most meaningful, liberated and abundant five years of my life.

Living from soul since 2017… come on in, the woodland’s fine! 

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BEING is better than perfect


A wish for the year ahead…