A wish for the year ahead…

By Lian Brook-Tyler


I resolve, on this eve of the new year,

to love


To love my less good side,

the awkward way I say things like “How are you?”


the places I’m still hiding my greatness

for fear you’ll turn me away,

the way I snap when I’m focusing and someone asks me what’s for dinner,

and the times I breathe and don’t.

I resolve to love


To love the ways you judge me,

misunderstand me

saying I mean one thing,

when I mean another,

and the ways you see me more clearly than

I see myself.

But most of all, I resolve to love the part of me who struggles to love all of this and more.

And yet, it’s not my resolution, because I gave up making resolutions in 2012, when my father died and the Divine kept showing me I was loved and all I needed to do was love.

Ten years on, I can tell you that my part of the deal has proved harder than it sounded then! It’s a deal I make over and over again every day of my life. Some days, like today, happen to fall on New Year’s Eve, and so it sounds like a resolution but it’s really a decision.

A decision to let Love be the change I want to see in the world.

So on this New Year’s Eve, I make no resolutions, but I’ll take this opportunity to make a wish for the year ahead… I hope you get to see what a gift you are, I hope you get to be the gift you are, and most of all, I hope you get to feel how loved you are.

Oh and I love you.

That’ll do it for another day…

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