Desire and Creation

By Lian Brook-Tyler

I’m writing this sitting in my fave Thai restaurant, glowing with joy. 

There’s something about my Wednesday afternoons off that absolutely THRILLS me… way beyond the amazing Thai feast, massages, choosing lovely treats for the family, wandering in the wild, and sitting in the garden reading (though admittedly, they are all glorious!)

It’s the power of magical creation that allowed me to actualise the desire of having a weekly afternoon off filled with my favourite things that thrills me.

It’s the same power that means we’re also taking the whole of August off, that allows us to create offerings that feel gorgeously deep and juicy rather than just making good business sense (tho it turns out that they do anyway), and ultimately that has me honour *all* of my deep desires.

And it’s the same power that allows our clients and students to create the kind of soulful, heartfelt, sovereign relationships, lifestyles and businesses that are so rare (and so needed!) in our culture.

I don’t know why we weren’t taught this power that allows us to create everything our hearts long for, and honestly, it’s not necessarily easy or comfortable… for years it felt really edgy (bordering on impossible) for me to make choices like this… but it *is* possible.

Over the years, it really helped me to see other people modelling the magical creation of their heartfelt desires, and my intention now is to take that baton and pass it on.

It starts with giving yourself permission to know what you deeply desire… will you?

P.S. Waking The Wild Masculine is about to open – if you’re a man ready to walk the wild path of heart, soul and sovereignty, this is your next opportunity.




What gold is buried deep in your shadow