Do you have the life you desire?

Do you have the life you desire?

By Lian Brook-Tyler

When I speak to people who say their life doesn’t match the desires they’ve held for years, it’s almost always down to these three things:

  1. A lack of honouring their soul vision. (This is true of ego-only desires and visions too, they’re just not in my wheelhouse). They only have a vague sense of what they desire and they rarely focus on it.

  2. A lack of aligned action. They’re usually busy *doing* plenty whilst taking very little in the way of the action that soul and spirit is nudging them towards via intuition, magical signs and unexpected, edgy af opportunities.

  3. A lack of devotion and sacrifice. This is especially true for those consciously or unconsciously feeling called to embody an archetype (which is almost all of us ). The sacrifice part is nuanced but as an example, you don’t get Queenly prosperity without sacrificing your Nice Girl benefits.

And for most of these people, all three are showing up to some extent.

Conversely, with people whose soul desires are materialising like magic, it’s almost always down to these three things:

  1. Honouring their soul vision by doing what’s required for it to be fully revealed to them (for example, that might include a vision quest or plant medicine) and then focusing on it every day.

  2. Taking aligned action every day and doing what’s required to hear the guidance of soul and spirit more clearly (for example, dream tending, having a sit spot or a special tree).

  3. Devoting themselves to whatever they’re being called to, for example, I spend an entire year fully devoted to each archetype I’m being called to embody but for most people it will take longer (part of my genius is learning and transforming incredibly fast). And doing the work (for example, shadow work) to be able to expand past the old wounds which means the required sacrifice becomes possible – not easy but possible.

If your life most resembles the first list, please know that you’re already a breadcrumb further along your Soul Path to have read this post and recognised yourself in it. The next breadcrumb will appear – if you’re only willing to pay attention…

Coming up in 2021 there will be more ways that you can walk the path of Waking The Wild. It’s going to be an epic year of Soul, Myth & Magic if we have anything to do with it! To find out more go to: Go deeper – Primal Happiness –

#soulwork #soulpath #sitspot #naturespot #shadowwork #archetypes


What magical signs and soul nudges have you been getting?


Ask for what you want