What magical signs and soul nudges have you been getting?

What magical signs and soul nudges have you been getting?

Written by Lian Brook-Tyler

Some of the transformation that the reader of the ‘Choose your own (real life) adventure book’ that I’m writing is already experiencing… after just over two weeks and only a third of the book!

“Before, I felt so low and dark and I was just waiting for the day it would lift. Or end.

I’m crying more, and I’m smiling more. My emotions are a relief rather than a stifling burden.

The ‘mundane’ decisions about work direction, the house… are no longer these big urgent priorities. I’m ok letting them be because I trust that the guidance I need will appear when it’s the right time. And that feeling of trust in the universe, I’ve missed it so much – it gives me strength.

I am willing as many magical signs as it can muster – I can’t get enough!

Now I see the opportunity to create anew, to let go of anything that no longer serves me and to step into a magical soul-led life that’s full of fun and happiness.

I have a deep knowing that I’m on the right path and I feel hopeful and excited.“

(Shared with permission)

I’m not only absolutely delighted for her – stories like hers are why I do what I do – I’m also seeing how this is another firm nudge deeper into my own soul path.

As I said to my Magic Teacher yesterday… I’m (slowly and reluctantly) seeing that my path is bringing Myth and Magic back to the mainstream, to liberate Queens, Kings, wolves, dragons and gold into a world that is largely bereft of them and is suffering the consequences.

And so it is.

Coming up in 2021 there will be more ways that you can walk the path of Waking The Wild. It’s going to be an epic year of Soul, Myth & Magic if we have anything to do with it! To find out more go to: Go deeper – Primal Happiness –

Art: “Freyja and the Necklace” by James Doyle Penrose (1890)


‘Why magic shows up when it does’


Do you have the life you desire?